Eventide timefactor V2.0 manual guide

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    • #166038



        I bought a timefactor new about 1 year ago. It came with a blue manual and some update sheets.  I think its version 2.0.


        The manual says it has 20 banks or 40 presets but when I go into the stompbox and adjust the bank numbers I can go all the way to 50 banks or 100 presets!


        So I must have a newer version.


        I’m having a lot of trouble.  Not with setting up delays , naming them etc but mainly with backing up.


        I don’t have midi but I have a usb.  How do I back up to my windows 10 laptop?  the usb is attached I do a midi dump but I see nothing on the computer???  What am I doing wrong?  Where did my backup go?  I backed up “ALL” and it says backup complete.  But I can’t find any  bank/preset dump files??


        Also one other question, I also have a fractal audio AX8 and I use software to control everything.  This is not a fractal forum but hear me out.  Is there any software that can easily control all features of the Timefactor like naming presets, setting delay times and feedback, rearranging order of songs in banks and presets on the fly through cut and paste, and also backing up and restoring my eventide??


        I would think in this day and age that has been designed.


        I don’t have an H9.  I have an eventide timefactor.  Someone please help me out!

        Thanks a bunch,


        Adrian from Toronto, Canada


      • #166040

          Everything you need is right HERE!

          I would download the latest manual and read it and install the software.

        • #166041

            H9 control can be used with Timefactor. I don’t have a Timefactor so I’m not sure what all is accessible. Page 58 in the manual describes this.


          • #166044

              Hello guys,


              I got the timefactor working with H9 Control software.  All 99 banks can be modified, copied and pasted, edited,  selecting high bank number, etc. and saved to the timefactor unit with ease.  That makes things a lot easier.

              Just curious I notice with the timefactor to go up banks is easy, you just hit the rightmost switch and you scroll.. But you can only go in one direction with the switch.  To go  down banks in descending order you’d have to hit the right most bank switch and then turn the encoder to the left to scroll.  This is not optimal for a performing musician.

              I know the timefactor has third party option to buy such a toggle switch that can easily scroll up and down banks with the touch of your foot with ease.

              Can anyone point me to a link where I can buy one?

            • #166045

                I would read through the section of the manual explaining the onboard switches and how they can be used also the section I cut and pasted below. Also the FAQ link below has some info on Aux Switches. Any momentary switch will work with a TRS cable. There are 3 switch units out there. Boss\Roland makes different styles.

                Switches Link


                From the manual…

                “The rear panel Aux Switch stereo phone jack supports up to three independent momentary switches using Tip, Ring and Tip+Ring. Aux Switches do not disable TimeFactor’s Footswitches – the local Footswitches are always active. Aux Switches can be programmed to perform a number of functions and they make it easy to connect a dedicated Tap Tempo switch or Repeat switch or Preset Switch.

                As noted above, the TimeFactor has two operating modes, Bank and Play. An Aux Switch can be used to instantly toggle between the TimeFactor’s Bank and Play Modes. Alternately, some users may want to have all six switch functions immediately available (3 from each Footswitch Mode). A set of three Aux Switches can be connected and assigned accordingly.
                Aux Switches can also be assigned to parameter values allowing you to switch between two parameter values. For example, you could assign an Aux Switch to change Delay A’s feedback level (Fdbk A) from 0 feedback when the switch isn’t pressed to 100% when it is pressed. To program the Aux Switches see the System Mode section of this User Guide.
                1) You must use a stereo phone 1⁄4” plug to connect Aux Switches.
                2) Toggle switches are not supported. Only momentary switches will work properly.
                3) Simultaneously pressing the switch assigned to the Tip and the switch assigned to the Ring will trigger the function assigned to the Tip+Ring. The Aux Switches should be pressed independently.”

              • #166056

                  Ok I got a Boss FS-7 toggle switch A / B.  It’s set up to momentary on the unit.  I left the polarity as default.


                  I set up the H9 Control so under Aux Switch Controls it has preset decrement to Switch 3 tip ring.


                  Now the Switcher works to decrement the banks each time I preset button B on it.


                  However , to increment the banks I must still press switch 3 on the TF.


                  This all works nice and well but I bought the switcher so that I could program switch A to increment , switch B to decrement.  So far I can only get the latter to work.


                  How do I set it up so switch A increments the Preset banks and leaves my TF alone the way it is setup?  (I,e switch 3 on the TF can still increment).

                  All help appreciated.

                • #166058

                    Read through the “System Mode” section of the manual…starting on pg. 46 Especially the section on setting up the Aux Switch. I posted a link to a little video showing how to work in system mode. I would search YouTube I’m sure there’s more videos about working with the TF.

                    FYI about the “Learn” function & making sure there are not other parameters already assigned to a switch.

                    P.S.  I was reading my earlier post and I hope it didn’t imply you had to get just a two button unit.

                    Good Luck👍

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