Expression pedal with TimeFactor/ModFactor/Ground Control

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    • #112220

      I have a Voodoo Lab Ground Control MIDI foot controller that has an input for an expression pedal.  I am connecting my TF and MF via MIDI.  Am I going to be able to use the expression pedal when it is plugged straight into the Ground Control or do the TF and MF need to have the exp. pedal plugged directly into them for it to work.



    • #127309

      Yes you can do it via midi
      using the Ground Control. On the TimeFactor, enter the system menu > midi
      > RCV CTL and select PDL and a CC#. Take a look at pages 
      45-47 in the TimeFactor manual. Refer to the Ground
      Control manual to configure the expression pedal input and what CC# it sends

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