External Control of “Bypass Mode” in Time Factor Pedal…

Home Forums Products Stompboxes External Control of “Bypass Mode” in Time Factor Pedal…

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    • #107139

      Hi there!

      Quick Question:

      Can you switch between "Bypass Modes" with external devices? Like Aux Footswitches or Midi switches.

      At least toogle between DSP+DLY and just DSP.

      It would be great to save it with Presets too!!!



    • #120520
      Eventide Staff


        Can you switch between "Bypass Modes" with external devices?

        Not really


        It would be great to save it with Presets too!!!

        Sorry – these are global settings, so cannot be saved with a preset.

      • #120525

        Too sad to hear that… would be a great function!!!

        Other idea. As I understand in BYP+DLY mode the delay will keep sounding after I hit the bypass switch form on to off right? But what if instead of that I switch from preset A to B, and preset B is a Blank (no delay set) preset? Would that do the effect of sudden stop?

        I think that could work. Unless the "spill over" function works between presents change too?

        Thanks for your help guys!


      • #131733
        Eventide Staff

          I assume you are using TF. This has a feature called SPILLOVER, which if set, will preserve the delay "tails" from the previous preset. Note that these tails are now going part of a different effect, so may change in sound.

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