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December 29, 2010 at 10:32 pm #107504
MemberOkay, my computer is running Windows 7 in 64 bit mode.
I connected the Timefactor to my computer with a USB cable. My computer trumpeted the arrival of the Timefactor. A Timefactor Pedal icon is now shown on my computers device page.
I downloaded the 209148_FactorLibWin.exe and unzipped its contents to the default location C:Program FilesEventideFactorLib.
I opened the FactorLib folder and double-clicked the FactorLib.exe file to open the Factor Pedal Librarian. A blank window untitled1.syx was open.
I clicked on Midi, and then Config to open the Comms Preferences window where TimeFactor Pedal was listed under input, and I changed the default Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth to Timefactor Pedal under output and clicked OK.
In the Timefactor I went in to System Mode, navigated to Midi, then to Dump, and finally to Presets.
In the Factor Pedal Librarian window, I clicked on the "Open from MIDI" toolbar icon, the word "Loading" appeared in the bottom right corner of the window. On the Timefactor the LED lights next to the various delay types began to flash randomly, and after a while the word "Send.." appeared in display. Finally the display read "Done".
"Loading" is still visible in the lower right of the Factor Pedal Librarian screen.
The open untitled1.syx is still blank.
I don't get it! Any help will be appreciated!
December 30, 2010 at 2:58 am #121266
ParticipantWhat version of firmware are you using on the TF? If you have upgraded to Version 3 the Factor Librarian software is not yet compatible with V3.
December 30, 2010 at 3:56 am #121267
MemberSorry I can't help you much with this one… I never got any farther along than you did and I just gave up. I do know that they're supposedly working on a new version of FactorLib for V3. The current version apparently doesn't work at all with V3, but I haven't tried.
Hopefully, they'll release the new version of FactorLib soon and it will be a lot more intuitive.
December 30, 2010 at 2:09 pm #121269
MemberI have not upgraded the TimeFactor's software. It is still version 2.4.2[1].
December 30, 2010 at 3:32 pm #121271
I don't get it! Any help will be appreciated!
There are some MIDI issues with Win7. These are fixed by the next version, due in January. Can't promise that it will be vastly more intuitive, but it has one important feature. More later.
December 30, 2010 at 5:41 pm #121273
MemberCool! I'll be looking forward to it, as I'm sure a lot of folks will be. Thanks, Nick! I'll admit, I didn't try too hard with the last version, so the intuitive issue may be with my thick skull… 😉
December 31, 2010 at 7:30 pm #121284
Memberi have the same version timefacor as you and I do not go into midi dump. I just plug it in and then hit open from midi and it takes like a minute to load, but it uploads all the banks
December 31, 2010 at 10:00 pm #121286
MemberWhat is your computer operating system and version number?
December 31, 2010 at 11:11 pm #132429
Memberi have windows xp and its version 2.4.2
January 2, 2011 at 5:02 am #132432
ParticipantWin 7 is a joke. I doesn't work with a LOT of stuff. I keep an XP computer around just so I can talk to my toys.
January 4, 2011 at 2:24 pm #121303
ParticipantI have had no problem with Windows 7 here. In fact, it was very intuitive but wouldn't work with my WinXP. I understand a lot of people's computers are different, but I've NEVER in my 10 year Senior Systems Administrator career heard a company tell its customers to use a different computer period. I was told that by support when my Pitch Factor wouldn't work on my XP computer. I got no more support on the issue and had to go on my own. I don't know what the right combination of steps I took resolved my issue, but after doing my own troubleshooting I was able to get it working flawlessly, without support.
January 4, 2011 at 3:50 pm #121306
Not sure that support was right to tell a customer to use a different computer, but they presumably had their reasons.
The main issue is that as you say, all computers are different, and it can easily be very difficult to diagnose the problems remotely, especially as fixing people's computers is not our business. Without doubt Dell, Apple or HP would do a better job at this than do we, but this is what they do.
What we do is to make things for guitars and musicians. We'll certainly do our best to help people with their computer problems, but there are going to be limits to the success we can achieve. Sorry.
January 4, 2011 at 4:57 pm #121307
MemberAll right, an IT guy!
Hey Ed, are you running Windows 7 in 32 or 64 bit mode?
If it is not a Windows 7 issue, then could it be a USB address conflict? If I understand it correctly, my computer's motherboard does not support dedicated USB addresses. If, for example, I unplug and replug my VoIP USB headset, then Dragon NaturallySpeaking will lose the connection to the headset and not be able to find it until the computer is rebooted.
January 4, 2011 at 9:17 pm #132444
ParticipantCTC – I'm using Windows 7 64bit. The information you provided about the USB mappings sounds odd to me and think there may be another issue in play here. Pulling a headset and plugging it back in should not require a reboot. Not since Windows 95 did USB work that cluegy.
I may have time to login and help you out, but if something should go wrong I could not nor Eventide be held responsible, but I'm available if you like.
Nick, that sounds nice, but what I just heard was that companies that make cameras and printers and phones shouldn't have to troubleshoot their devices working with a particular computer. Imagine owning a PC build company. I make a PC using industry standard hardware and software, then someone comes along with a product they claim works with it, but my customer hasn't gotten it to work. Should I or in this case HP be responsible to make sure every device in the world works? How about Microsoft? Should they support every USB cam, Modem, Nic card, keyboard, camera, antenna, CDRom, VOIP phone, interface, driver in the world? I would think companies like Microsoft and HP provide hardware and software based on industry standards, create partner programs like MSDN that show companies how to make their products work, and then leave it to the creators of those products to hire the right personell to put it all together and support it. As a Senior IT guy for a company that does just that. I could not ever tell my customer to go to HP or Microsoft or even Google for support on integrating something I created and validated for them. Following industry standards on USB, MIDI and I/O, I would think 99% of your customers wouldn't have trouble, especially if you wrote drivers for the products we're connecting with connecting, and supporting the 1% would be a cakewalk. But that's another program to support altogether now isn't it?
Anyway, not a knock at Eventide, just an observation.
January 4, 2011 at 9:33 pm #132445
I think that your reply indicates the problems that we all face.
January 4, 2011 at 9:52 pm #132447
MemberHey, Ed! I think you've got some valid points. If ET made peripherals that required a computer to work, like an HP printer does, or software like Visual Studio does, I would agree with you 100%. However, they don't… USB support in the Factor pedals is a convenience, not a requirement, or at least I think so. I mean, all 3 worked right out of the box without ever connecting it to my computer and nobody twisted my arm into updating the firmware or using the librarian software.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I really do think you've got some very valid points. If this was the IT industry, I would throw a fit if I was told to just try another PC (although, honestly, I've dealt with a number of hardware vendors, HP and Dell included, that did ask me if the device-in-question was working with different PCs or if the problem was only with one computer).
As far as my experiences in the MI industry, ET's support is better than most. I mean, if more MI companies would take the time to participate in user forums, maybe there wouldn't be so much junk being passed off as high-dollar must-haves down at the corner music store.
Anyway, this is all just my two cents worth, so please don't think it's worth any more than that, ok? 😉 I know you weren't knocking anyone, and I'm not either, just enjoying the discussion.
January 4, 2011 at 9:59 pm #132448
ParticipantAgreed, but I believe that success in support comes from management via a proper mitigation of potential issues.
By the way, you're products rock. If I were to have a voice at all in terms of where there appears to be lack, I would probably say the absence of software for realtime control of the pedal. Think about what companies like Line 6 are doing with their USB interfaces and the GUI software that can control parameters in real time by sliding a virtual mic around the computer desktop. At this point I think they are setting the precidence for what consumers are coming to expect out of a quality device such as an Eventide product. Eventide has always been known as the innovator and trendsetter in the guitar effects market, but take a look at the software and it appears there hasn't been any movement in this department since circa 1995. Having software to control the pedal helps the customer visually delve down into the parameters that are otherwise hidden away. It creates somewhat of a visual prestidigitation that enables easier use of the pedal.
Anyway, nice job on the stomboxes. I absolutely love them.
January 4, 2011 at 10:05 pm #132450
ParticipantVery good point Tim and thank you for sharing. Your post actually just changed how I approached my thinking of ET support.
January 4, 2011 at 11:20 pm #132453
MemberThanks! I hear what you're saying about parameter control, too… kind of like VSIG for the pedals, and yeah, that would be really cool. I wish I was in the position of realistically using the H8000 or H7600, but I can't justify the expense when I have no intention of using it in a professional studio and getting a return on the investment.
And yeah, what's available now to the average musician, what we can do with software now as opposed to even 5 years ago, is just amazing. For example, some guitar amp modelling software allows you to basically build complete virtual circuits, even program in your own parameters if you don't like their selection of tubes or transformers. That's pretty incredible stuff, especially after spending 10 years of my free time building tube amps… cheaper, too… much much cheaper.
On the other hand, nothing I've heard comes close to the real thing. Well, close, maybe… closer in sound, not so close in feel. Heard a quote once, forgot where or to whom the credit belongs, but something like "analog is just like digital with an infinitely fast clock." Maybe that's true and maybe it's not, but it's interesting to think about and maybe explains a few things… but I digress…
What I mean to say is, in my opinion, nothing sounds like an Eventide… period (yeah, I know… it's not analog… LOL). If I can't justify $4000+, I can very easily justify $400 (well, $1300 for all three), and what it may lack in software control, it more than makes up in sound quality, at least for me. Actually, I think the level of control afforded via the hardware is pretty amazing, too… a few more knobs than the 3 on my first delay.
Anyway, I'm sure I owe ctc an apology for going so far off-topic… and yeah, I love these pedals, too…
January 5, 2011 at 4:18 pm #132458
CTC – I'm using Windows 7 64bit. The information you provided about the USB mappings sounds odd to me and think there may be another issue in play here. Pulling a headset and plugging it back in should not require a reboot. Not since Windows 95 did USB work that cluegy.
I may have time to login and help you out, but if something should go wrong I could not nor Eventide be held responsible, but I'm available if you like.
Thanks for the offer. What issue are you thinking about? The headset continued to work fine in Windows and Skype, etc. It only required a reboot to work with Dragon.
I have done all of my own computer troubleshooting since Windows 3.11 (I never knew how good using a hammer could make me feel, *#@%!). Can you suggest what you may have done to get the FactorLib software working properly with the Timefactor?
January 5, 2011 at 4:32 pm #132459
Anyway, I'm sure I owe ctc an apology for going so far off-topic… and yeah, I love these pedals, too…
Thanks for the consideration… I found the discussion to be pertinent.
As Eventide has apparently concluded, having the best sounding hardware is not enough anymore, hence FactorLib. As I continue to research into worthy MIDI foot controllers and such, the best companies as Ed pointed out, are leading the way by offering detailed and robust software interfaces. The genie is out of the bottle, and I like what I see.
I intend to offer all of the suggestions I can to help support Eventide's development of FactorLib and beyond!
January 5, 2011 at 5:15 pm #132462
MemberThanks, ctc! You hit the nail on the head… if anything anyone of us says on this forum contributes to product improvement, then it's good for everybody. That's exactly why I contribute my time to this forum, because I think ET does actually listen.
And you're right… the genie's out and this is the way things are going. I couldn't agree more… 🙂
Please keep us posted on your search for MIDI controllers… I'm doing that, too, but still haven't found quite what I want. Also, I agree with Ed about this being another issue… maybe related to the chipset, but I kind of doubt that, too. If I was still on 2.4.2, I'd jump in, but as it is, I'm curious to hear what's worked for him, and waiting for the new version of FactorLib.
January 5, 2011 at 6:40 pm #121324
ParticipantAre you running version 3 beta? That I have NOT been able to get to work, but the previous stable prod version works.
CTC, I drafted an email to get you started but was waiting on some information back from ET support. Shoot me an email when you have time and I'll login and check this out for you. ON a side note, once you plug up the factor pedal into USB, you shouldn't have to go to the pedal and dump, you should just open from MIDI. That has worked for me. Can you try that and let me know?
January 5, 2011 at 6:44 pm #121325
Guys – please read the previous posts on these subjects. The current FactorLib has well-known problems with both V3.0 pedals and Win7(64).
These will be fixed in the next release, due this month.
January 5, 2011 at 8:19 pm #132465
MemberI think ctc said he's running 2.4.2, as did Ed. I'm not, but I know V3 isn't compatible yet.
January 6, 2011 at 12:17 am #132469
ParticipantAnd also Eventide when you update Factor Librarian could you also make it so that everytime you open presets it won't always bring you back to the FactorLib folder but rather than to where you last opened your files/presets (last directory you were working on). Thank you!
January 6, 2011 at 2:47 pm #132476
Guys – please read the previous posts on these subjects. The current FactorLib has well-known problems with both V3.0 pedals and Win7(64).
These will be fixed in the next release, due this month.
Thanks for the loud and clear reminder . Being so close to the release date of the new version…patience is a virtue. Bring it on.
January 6, 2011 at 3:14 pm #121332
Are you running version 3 beta?
I'm running v2.4.2[1]. I plan on upgrading to v 3 when there is a compatible FactorLib version.
CTC, I drafted an email to get you started but was waiting on some information back from ET support. Shoot me an email when you have time and I'll login and check this out for you.
Feel free to share any information that you find at any time. But as the author of the FactorLib software just reminded us, I don't want to burn your generous offer troubleshooting a product that is scheduled to be updated this month.
ON a side note, once you plug up the factor pedal into USB, you shouldn't have to go to the pedal and dump, you should just open from MIDI. That has worked for me. Can you try that and let me know?
Same problem, nothing shows in the FactorLib after the LEDs are done jumping around on the Timefactor's different delay types.
January 6, 2011 at 4:30 pm #132480
The fact that you are able to open from MIDI and the lights jump tells me the pedal is connected and communicating from your computer. It sounds to me like the pedal is not communicating TO your computer. You probably have an issue with the input on your computer. Since in your previous post it seems you are setting factorlib up correctly I would be troubleshooting my MIDI settings on my computer. Since I'm on my Windows 7 64 bit computer at work, and I brought my pedal to work with me to give you some help at lunch, I'll bring it in and plug it up in a bit. Maybe we can get this whole thing solved for you. I DO have software that will let me remote into your computer to check stuff, but won't be able to do that until tonight. Let me know.
January 7, 2011 at 2:40 pm #132490
It sounds to me like the pedal is not communicating TO your computer.
If that were the case, then there might also be a problem with Windows recognizing it as a supported device. Windows reports that this device is connected and working properly.
You probably have an issue with the input on your computer.
okay, I have now plugged the Timefactor into the USB ports on the back of my computer, on the front of the computer, on the protected power supply, and on the computer monitor all with the same results… zip.
I would be troubleshooting my MIDI settings on my computer.
A search of "MIDI" in the Windows help file produces zero results on point. Can you please be more specific in what settings you are referring to?
Since I'm on my Windows 7 64 bit computer at work, and I brought my pedal to work with me to give you some help at lunch, I'll bring it in and plug it up in a bit. Maybe we can get this whole thing solved for you.
I don't know what time zone you're in a, I'm not sure when you take lunch, but thanks for the offer!
I DO have software that will let me remote into your computer to check stuff, but won't be able to do that until tonight.
Thanks for the offer, but I would rather leave it at any information that you can provide, and I will do the troubleshooting on my computer myself.
January 31, 2011 at 3:40 am #132694
MemberHow we lookin' on that FactorLib update?
January 12, 2012 at 5:57 pm #134145
ParticipantThe current revision of Factorlib matches the one mentioned here… an update (maybe still floating in a beta) is theoretically coming (according to this thread) a year ago. Did i miss the "here it is" email?
January 12, 2012 at 6:12 pm #134146
The version currently on the Web Site (V1.8) is the latest. No updates have been announced at this time.
January 12, 2012 at 6:22 pm #134147
ParticipantThe point of contention for me has always been the Win7/USB 'flakiness'. Which, for the third time (because i don't connect the two that often), i was burned by the Midi Clock Out being turned On, which I keep forgetting keeps the usb/midi behavior from working properly.
I don't know why that is – but some other random post mentions it mid-stream. If I'm just the only monkey not smart enough to remember that – it'd be good to call that out more clearly somewhere. Anyone that is using the TF to drive multiple eventide pedals will likely trip over that until their head gets it straight (my current sampling pool being just me :|).
Is there a beta being baked? I'm a software nerd, so i'm all sorts of curious about the latest sw rev available.
January 12, 2012 at 6:35 pm #134148
We believe that the problems caused by Midiclock out being enabled are actually Windows issues rather than ours, so it is possible that we may not be able to fix them. We've tried, but without current success.
Beyond this, it is our belief that the Midi/USB normally works OK. Obviously, individual users may have hardware issues that affect this.
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