feature requests for Misha

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    • #184695

        Hello Misha-verse!
        Misha has opened up a world of melodic possibilities, which I have enjoyed exploring in my “Misha-matic” series (see https://www.instagram.com/henry.schroy/reels).  I’ve been enjoying coming up with melodies instantly on the Misha (using my small midi controller keyboard) and then learning them on the electric bass – a useful study that has been fun practice.

        After having spent a considerable amount of time using the device, and while I hope to keep using it for a long time, as it is limitless in many ways,  I do have a few requests that I imagine would be relatively simple to implement:

        1) Allow the user to set a note to be the “home” key.   It can be difficult or impossible to replicate a melodic pattern when the starting note is very far away from “home”.   If I’m in C Major, but I want to start my melody on G two octaves up, there is no easy way to do that if I’m on “home” C.

        2) Allow the user to program custom chord intervals.  While there is a lot that can be done with the existing set of Chord patterns, allowing the user to program their own interval clusters would greatly open up the possibilities for composing with Misha.

        What do you think?   I’ve got more!


        Henry Schroy

      • #187905

          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi</p>
          I have been putting my Misha vids on Youtube at



        • #187906
          • #188151

              good videos!

            • #188152

                thank you!

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