Feb. 3rd ’22: H9000 2.0.5[2] // Emote 2.0.5[1]

Home Forums Products Rackmount Feb. 3rd ’22: H9000 2.0.5[2] // Emote 2.0.5[1]

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    • #162003
      John Baylies

        H9000 2.0.5[2] and Emote 2.0.5[1] are available!

        Release notes for H9000 2.0.5[2]

        • EQ45 and EQ65 plugin presets added to algorithm # 1140, 1141, 1240, & 1241.
        • 115 H8000 algs, including the MIDI Virt Racks, are no longer unopenable in Vsig.
        • Emulations tag added to Category Types.

        Release notes for Emote 2.0.5[1]

        • Fully tested on Windows 11 and macOS Monterey.
        • Improved UI for Direct IO View and Algorithms View.
        • Alt-drag now toggles IO channels.
        • Fixed a mapping bug.


      • #162062

          I updated Emote to 2.0.5[1] (Mac OS 10.15.7)

          Now I’m stuck at 25% installing the H9000 firmware via Emote. (I was on firmware 2.0.3[2] before updating)

          It’s been at 25% for about 45minutes now with no progress. Same progress bar showing on the H9000 display..

          Is it safe to turn off the H9000 and try again?



        • #162071
          Eventide Staff


            Please try quitting Emote (not restarting the H9000) and performing the update again via Emote. Let me know what happens, sorry for the inconvenience.

          • #162072

              I tried quitting and restarting Emote, but it wouldn’t connect (I use ethernet), so I went ahead and restarted the H9000. After reboot, H9000 setup actually showed version 2.0.5[2] as the current firmware, but just to be on the safe side I reinstalled the firmware via Emote. Everything went smoothly the this time, so all good.

              Thanks for the update!

            • #162125

                Just wanted to check in with Eventide team on this update.  I ran the update on Windows 11, and it all ran really well.  In the past, I’ve had issues around Emote crashing when I try to retrieve updates, but this time it as flawless.  I also updated Emote on my Macbook Pro (2021 M1 running Monterey) and connected via the network, and it worked flawlessly as well.  VSig on both work well.  The only issue I’ve had is when there’s already an open algo in VSig, and I try to load another, on Mac, if I haven’t closed the previous algo before opening a new one, VSig crashes.  Not really a big deal, just a small workload change for me (make sure to save and exit before opening a new algo).  Overall, this has been the best update experience I’ve had to date running a firmware update on the H9000.  We see folks in the forum trying to get things working, and I just wanted to acknowledge that a lot of times, these things just work and no one says anything and we all just go about our day, as though it’s normal.  Thanks for the great experience.

                • #162130
                  Eventide Staff

                    Thanks for the kind words, glad to hear everything is working smoothly for you! I am able to reproduce your VSig issue and I’ve created a ticket for it, thanks for reporting this.

                • #163619

                    hi, eventide.. i’ve had a 9000 for a while and it’s quickly become the centerpiece of the studio and solo guitar setup..

                    i just upgraded my computer to a 2019 imac (running 10.15..) and got everything installed, but it seems that the 9000 will recognize the analog inputs on the ‘meters’ screen, but it won’t send it USB to the computer.. however, the analog outputs are working and sending over USB..

                    i tried switching back to the old computer 2010 imac running 10.11 and the analog inputs transfer over USB just like they should, which tells me that there’s something up with the new computer / software updates.. here are the specs:

                    iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) 10.15.7

                    3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 and 64Gb ram

                    i’m running reaper 6.56 and emote 2.0.5..

                    any suggestions?

                    thank you.


                    • #163624
                      Eventide Staff

                        There is nothing I can think of that would cause a USB issue with a specific macOS version, so I am not sure why the USB audio would be working on your older computer and not the newer one. A few things you can check:

                        – Are you using the same USB cable for both computers? Have you tried a different USB cable with the computer that isn’t working?

                        – Are you using a USB hub or extender with the computer that isn’t working?

                        – Are you using Direct I/O connections? Or is audio going through an FX Chain?

                        – How are you troubleshooting your audio setup? Can you try loading an Oscillator algorithm and seeing if it outputs on the USB channels?

                      • #163655

                          tbs – thanks for the response..!

                          yeah, so.. i’m still not having much luck.. i tried the same USB cable on both machines (the one that came with the 9000..) and i tried different ones (that i know work..) and nothing changes.. there’s no hub or extender – the USB is plugged directly into the back of the imac.. and i tried all 4 ports!

                          i’ve tried both direct i/o and fx chain..

                          the 9000 is for sure seeing the input coming in, it just won’t transfer over USB. a strange thing i found was the meters on the face of the 9000 recognize that there’s a guitar plugged into a preamp, plugged into XLR 1 and ‘analog 1’ shows the meter lighting up. but emote (in the fx chain..) doesn’t recognize an input, and it’s meter doesn’t light up, but the meterbridge input does. weird. (picture below for that..)

                          Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 10.46.33 AM

                          i tried the oscillator and the outputs work fine: both XLRs and all the dsub outputs (digital and analog..)

                          i tried updating to monterey, and i tried a clean install of catalina and i tried rolling back to emote 2.0 – no change.

                          i downloaded logic and garageband and those both DO recognize the input.. but, with the same problem of emote meters not lighting up in the fx chain – maybe thats why reaper doesn’t recognize the inputs?

                          when i leave all the connections the same and switch the USB cable to the old computer, all the inputs transfer over USB no problem and the emote fx chain meters light up.

                          it seems like because all the outputs work over USB, that the USB IS being recognized, and it seems that because the emote fx chain meters aren’t lighting up, maybe there’s something there thats causing this?

                          not sure what else to try…

                      • #163659

                          There is nothing I can think of that would cause a USB issue with a specific macOS version, so I am not sure why the USB audio would be working on your older computer and not the newer one. A few things you can check: – Are you using the same USB cable for both computers? Have you tried a different USB cable with the computer that isn’t working? – Are you using a USB hub or extender with the computer that isn’t working? – Are you using Direct I/O connections? Or is audio going through an FX Chain? – How are you troubleshooting your audio setup? Can you try loading an Oscillator algorithm and seeing if it outputs on the USB channels?



                          hey, again.. so after lots more troubleshooting, i think that i’ve figured it out! there’s a dropdown window in emote that i never noticed before, and never used – and at this point, i’m kinda trying anything.. so i clicked both of those, AND also realized that one of the FX chains was never closed (and re-opened..) after updating.. so i deleted FX chain one, opened a new FX chain and connected the inputs and outputs like they’ve always been and it worked. meters in emote fx chains and meterbridge are good to go, and then i fired up reaper and they’re ALL working there, too..

                          Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 3.28.50 PM

                          wanted to post the fix / solution in case anybody else upgrades from an older machine and has this same problem.. not sure if it was the ‘reset dialog in preferences’, or the closing of the FX chain, or both – but all is good now.

                          now back to music making!


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                          • #163664
                            Eventide Staff

                              Glad to hear this has been resolved and thanks for providing your troubleshooting info!

                          • #166061

                              Any new Emote or H9000 firmware coming soon????

                              • #166062

                                  Any new Emote or H9000 firmware coming soon????


                                  Really waiting for the features mentioned here already 3+ years ago..

                              • #166417

                                  it’s disappointing, h9000 gets no love…new pedal launches with new algorithms and h9000 left in the dark

                                  i guess anything new for h9000 will only be because of the h90 and designed for that format

                                  sad times for h9000

                                • #166433

                                    I guess it’s expected to some extent.  On balance I’m sure the H9 and H90 generate way more revenue than the H9000. Would rather Eventide still existed than not obviously given today’s climate.  That said, some visibility into whether we’ll see these (or any) new features in the H9000 would be very much appreciated.

                                  • #166434

                                      They said in todays livestream they’re working on the new algos for the H9000. That being said it would have been nice to pitch us these first if they were in development. Even make it a beta so no one can complain if things were a little off about them. The H9000 is the flagship, it really should have new algorithms first, at least in the H line of products. I guess the fact it’s 8 times the price of the h90, there isn’t much motivation for that market to bump up to the flagship processor. Even if it has 10 new algorithms. Leaves the 9000 feeling a little moldy. I’m sure we will get some love soon.

                                    • #166435
                                      • #166511

                                          They said in todays livestream they’re working on the new algos for the H9000. That being said it would have been nice to pitch us these first if they were in development. Even make it a beta so no one can complain if things were a little off about them. The H9000 is the flagship, it really should have new algorithms first, at least in the H line of products. I guess the fact it’s 8 times the price of the h90, there isn’t much motivation for that market to bump up to the flagship processor. Even if it has 10 new algorithms. Leaves the 9000 feeling a little moldy. I’m sure we will get some love soon.


                                          Yeah, as an H9000 owner, this is a little concerning. I’m hoping they will release the new algos to the H9000 soon. But like you said, I’m a little confused at why they didn’t release these for the H9000 first, since it’s their flagship.

                                        • #168523

                                            Just want to wish Eventide’s staff and the forum members a happy new year!

                                            any progress on some new features or bug fixes?


                                            • #168586
                                              Eventide Staff

                                                Hi Joey,

                                                Thanks, Happy New Year to you as well!

                                                We are working on having the next update ready as soon as we can, but I cannot provide any more details than that at this point.

                                                Thanks for your patience.

                                            • #168560

                                                We are getting dangerously close to an entire year without any bug fixes or updates. This is getting ridiculous.

                                                Shall I start baking a cake to celebrate the 3rd of February.

                                              • #168621

                                                  Hi Joey, Thanks, Happy New Year to you as well! We are working on having the next update ready as soon as we can, but I cannot provide any more details than that at this point. Thanks for your patience.


                                                  It’s like a mystery wrapped up in an enigma of machiavellian secrecy.

                                                • #168676

                                                    I’ll take some bday cake please 🙂  Hoping an update is coming soon though.

                                                  • #168792

                                                      A year between updates and so much still to be done. I sure hope it hasn’t been abandoned or that a replacement version fixing many bugs isn’t what they’ve actually been working on. Still hoping the product is going to be supported in the future but it’s hard to be optimistic. The updates used to be a lot more frequent.

                                                    • #168903

                                                        No updates for a year, I’m afraid guys I think they’ve abandoned their flagship product, very sad waste of opportunity.

                                                      • #168929

                                                          Here is the cake. Congratulations Eventide. Well and truly earned.

                                                          Eventide Cak

                                                        • #169216

                                                            Fingers still crossed and hoping for an update soon!!!

                                                          • #169263

                                                              Hi Eventide team, since the upgrade my H9000 no longer goes into screen saver mode any more. Doesn’t seem to matter what setting I give it. Two questions, is this broken in this firmware 2. My screen is at the dimmest setting, am I likely to get burn in?



                                                            • #169264

                                                                Hod on, seconds after I posted this I worked out q1. Q2 is still alive though as it’s nice to have the screen on even if at brightness 1.

                                                                • #169301
                                                                  Eventide Staff

                                                                    Glad to hear the screen dimmer is working for you. We have not had any reports of users with burn in issues. I personally have my unit on almost every day for at least 8 hours, and it is usually on the default Session view with no screen dimmer. No issues here.

                                                                • #170010

                                                                    Can we dream of a major update (Bug fixes, new algo, new features in Emote) presented at NAMM 2023?

                                                                    • #170045

                                                                        Its less than 2 weeks! If they’re there, I will ask. I’m not sure if they have a booth for this one. It’s expected to be a little smaller, with the full flavored NAMM back in January 2024.

                                                                      • #170046

                                                                          Just find this (sorry my config is in french)

                                                                          jeudi 13 avril 2023 12:00 à 12:30


                                                                          H90 Harmonizer Demo: Brev Sullivan

                                                                          jeudi 13 avril 2023 14:00 à 14:30


                                                                          H90 Harmonizer Demo: Patrick Flores

                                                                          jeudi 13 avril 2023 16:00 à 16:30


                                                                          Felix Martin: H90 Harmonizer Performance

                                                                          vendredi 14 avril 2023 12:30 à 13:00


                                                                          Richard Devine: Live Performance with H90 Harmonizer

                                                                          No H9000 or Emote in view

                                                                      • #170292

                                                                          Just find this:

                                                                          Who’s ready for #NAMM2023?

                                                                          Join us at booth #5434 to try out the brand new H90 Harmonizer® pedal in person, alongside the Eventide Misha, dot9 Series Pedals, H9 Max, MixingLink, PowerMax, and more!

                                                                          Want more? Be sure to stop by booth #15700 in the Pro Audio hall to try out the H9000 Harmonizer rackmount, along with our wide array of plug-ins including SplitEQ, Physion Mk II, Blackhole, and more!

                                                                          Hope to see you there! ?

                                                                          So they will carry an H9000 with them (lol)

                                                                          I still hope Eventide will release an update at this time.



                                                                        • #170294

                                                                            I first saw the H9000 AT NAMM. I forget what year but yes they’ll have one there set up and ready to check out.

                                                                          • #170441

                                                                              Got word at NAMM today Eventide H9000 update is weeks, not months away. Looking forward to this. Should be a big one.

                                                                            • #170442

                                                                                I sure hope so. All algortihms at 96k would be lovely but maybe it’s not possible with the architecture of the unit.

                                                                                But honestly, anything helpful and useful would be great and hopefully they come a little more regularly. Might help sales of the unit a bit more if they worked on it a bit more.

                                                                              • #170443

                                                                                  Definitely looking forward to any updates since has been 1yr+ from the last!!!  Fingers crossed current algorithms not 96k compatible are updated such.

                                                                                • #170455

                                                                                    sorry: mistake

                                                                                  • #170456

                                                                                      Great news!!!

                                                                                      Fingers crossed current algorithms not 96k compatible are updated such


                                                                                      And an interface mode (because I’m struggling with these latency things).


                                                                                    • #170522

                                                                                        Stick around until the end!!


                                                                                      • #170565

                                                                                          YES!!!  Looking forward to this update!!!

                                                                                        • #170566

                                                                                            YES!!! Looking forward to this update!!!

                                                                                            pretty hungry for this polyphonic pitch shifting, myself.

                                                                                          • #170588
                                                                                            Ed Driscoll

                                                                                              pretty hungry for this polyphonic pitch shifting, myself.

                                                                                              Oh yeah! Do we have a rough ETA for the next update?

                                                                                            • #170974

                                                                                                I notice a new version showing in the update section of emote. Is this safe to download? There are no release notes.

                                                                                                • #170976
                                                                                                  Eventide Staff

                                                                                                    Sorry, there was an issue where Emote wasn’t displaying the release notes properly. The release adds support for Rev H hardware. It is safe for you to download but there are no functionality changes, so it is not necessary to update.

                                                                                                  • #170979

                                                                                                      Sorry, there was an issue where Emote wasn’t displaying the release notes properly. The release adds support for Rev H hardware. It is safe for you to download but there are no functionality changes, so it is not necessary to update.


                                                                                                      Shame I thought it might be the long awaited bug fixes. I’ll just keep on waiting……..

                                                                                                  • #171031

                                                                                                      Waiting …….

                                                                                                    • #171043

                                                                                                        Just updated to only so I can see I updated to SOMETHING 😂

                                                                                                      • #171062

                                                                                                          Just updated to only so I can see I updated to SOMETHING 😂


                                                                                                          I guess its good practice for when the real updates arrive.

                                                                                                        • #171065

                                                                                                            2.1, get in my belly

                                                                                                          • #171067

                                                                                                              2.1, get in my belly

                                                                                                              I’m hoping for a 3.0 major update. 🙂

                                                                                                            • #171345

                                                                                                                Anybody else wanna say it first?


                                                                                                                I guess there must be another pedal in the works that we’ll get after everyone else.

                                                                                                              • #171346

                                                                                                                  Anybody else wanna say it first?

                                                                                                                  <iframe title=”Eventide” src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/w_4LUCqEZLM?feature=oembed&#8221; width=”1200″ height=”675″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

                                                                                                                  I guess there must be another pedal in the works that we’ll get after everyone else.

                                                                                                                  relax. We are only 4 weeks out of NAMM. They aren’t out of the realm of keeping their word still. I trust they will.

                                                                                                                • #171347

                                                                                                                    Too late… weeks is now month(s).  It’s been 15 freakin’ months and they can’t even get a hot fix out the door.  Hell, I won’t even run it inside Logic because it’s so unstable.  Where I come from, you lose your job if that happened.

                                                                                                                    • #171348

                                                                                                                        What problems have you had with the VST? I stopped using it in Studio One. A few times I couldn’t open a session due to it so I just opt for the standalone.


                                                                                                                        Now sometimes the standalone just crashes and burns, requiring a restart of the H9000. Usually after the H9000 has been running idle for some time (days). I now just give the H9000 a fresh restart when I’m sitting at the desk along with powering up everything else.

                                                                                                                    • #171349

                                                                                                                        I passed that information along to their customer support and they claim the call stack was “not useful”, meaning that the code is not catching exceptions properly (ask me how I know).  I never keep it running for more than a day.  I can walk away for 10 minutes and the signal stops being processed altogether by the unit.  Just no no excuse for the extreme lack of attention to their “flagship”.  Really disgusted…..

                                                                                                                        • #171351
                                                                                                                          Eventide Staff

                                                                                                                            Sorry to hear of your disappointment.

                                                                                                                            I’m not sure which information you passed along. It’s not clear what the issue you are having is, or if that issue is the same as what the other user in this thread mentioned.

                                                                                                                            I just checked and it looks like I replied to your support ticket in March and you never replied back. I think you sent the crashlog to a different support ticket so I never saw it. You also said that you would send some Sessions and FX Chains that were causing issues but you never sent these.

                                                                                                                            Please respond to your support ticket if you’d like to troubleshoot this further.

                                                                                                                            We are working on getting an update available as soon as we can.


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