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Tagged: cross talk, H9 eventide feedback loop, not working
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December 16, 2015 at 1:31 pm #113098
Currently talking with eventide about this but someone may be able to shed some light on this issue.
Bassically the unit Feeds back when running the 2nd in and outs. i have tried this in normal mode with input 2 in the loop and bypassed.. it still feeds back.. i unptach at the H9 and the effect works normal..
my problem is i want to run the unit in wet/dry mode.. to run the unit in the loop.
how ever when patched in correctly and set to wet2/dry1 a very very loud high pitched noise is produced even with the 2nd in and out bypassed in the fxloop on my amp.. if i engage the fx loop the noise is louder, worse, a real issue (not just a ground loop a serious problem) and im hoping its not damaging my amp…
bassically i am unable to use the h9 as i want to and i believe something is wrong with it… i have only had it a week and have built it into 2 separeate set ups with less gear to nut it out incase it was user error but its definately the H9.
i will link to a youtube video for reference.
December 16, 2015 at 6:39 pm #141845
Obviously, you may have a hardware problems, but it is more likely related to how you are using it. It's not really clear how you have it connected, but my guess is that you have one channel before the amp, and the other in an effects loop of the same amp.
Unless I am mistaken, it only makes sense to do this in PRE/POST mode – anything else will probably feed back.
My guess is that you are treating the unit as two unconnected mono systems – this is not what it is.
December 16, 2015 at 8:57 pm #141847
I will try the pre. Post option this evening. But according to eventides youtube routing video it is wet dry mode which i want to use.
Im treating the routing as a way of moving the unit in front of the amp or in the loop depending on the preset. Pitchfactor and crush station in front and timefactor and space factor in the loop.
My patch is as follows.
Guitar-input1-amp input.
Send-input2-output2-returnEven with the fx loop bypassed on my amp the pedal makes this crazy noise.
Please see youtube video of the problem -
December 16, 2015 at 11:29 pm #141848
Pre/Post is what you need.
Wet/Dry is for situations like where you have two amps, and you want one to have the natural sound and the other to have the effect.
December 17, 2015 at 12:06 am #141852
Wet/Dry mode sends both inputs to the Algorithm, unlike Pre/Post which sends only one input at a time to the Algorithm. As Nick said, this is probably why you're having a feedback issue in Wet/Dry mode.
I hope this helps!
December 17, 2015 at 12:19 am #141854
Hi guys sorry to be painful on this.
My A rig is 2 amps one wet one dry.
My wet amp is fed by a tap from an attenuator into input 2 of the h9.
This is where i first found the issue on the day i got the h9.
I did the video in a loop situation as it was less stuff to double check the problem.
The same sound is produced in both cases.Im happy to do a video on my A rig to show the problem.
December 17, 2015 at 12:29 am #141855
I should also mention that when in wet 1 dry 2 the pedal works fine… its only when i want to reverse that so its dry 1 wet 2 the pedal freaks out and makes a stupidly loud sound.. im attenuating quite hard in that video but its smashing my amp…
December 17, 2015 at 1:13 pm #141860
Hi guys i have set the h9 up in pre post mode for a wet dry amp set up. which works fine so far.. i just have to set the wet to 100.
I would assume this works the same in a fx loop.
Im just wondering what application might i need to use wet dry mode? Is there still an issue with the pedal? Am i able to set up a scenario where i can test this mode correctly??
My rigs change depending on the tour and wouldnt want it to become a future problem.
Cheers. -
December 17, 2015 at 1:22 pm #141861
You seem to be determined to set the pedal up wrongly, which is why you keep having trouble. I don't see any evidence of faults in the pedal.
If you are using two amps, one for wet, one for dry, use Wet/Dry mode.
If you are using one amp, with an effect sometimes before the amp, and sometimes in an effects loop, use Pre/Post mode.
Obviously there are any number of more complex setups you can try, but those are beyond the scope of this forum.
December 17, 2015 at 1:33 pm #141862
I am using 2 amps one for wet and one for dry!!
I just spent over a thousand dollars on this unit. And followed your instuctional video on youtube to use it in wet dry mode.
Which it does not work!!! It just makes that internal digital feed back loop sound which has done damage to my pre amp valves.
Is there a problem with my pedal or not???
I want to run it correctly but no one can tell me..
H9.. 2 amps.. wet dry mode.. my set up.. does not work…
To me wet dry mode makes sense for my set up.
So why doesnt it work.
Are you able to replicate my problem
Signal path is… guitar-h9 input1-h9out1-dry amp. Then speaker out-attenuator-tap line out (not speaker out) h9in2-h9out2-second amp.
Please set that up and tell me thats the wrong application for wet dry mode.
Because in my rig the pedal generates its own internal crazy digital feedback when only in mode wet2/dry1… works fine in wet1/dry2 and stereo.-
December 17, 2015 at 1:57 pm #141864Thomashowardueae wrote:Please set that up and tell me thats the wrong application for wet dry mode.
That is the wrong application for wet dry mode.
It sounds like you're connecting the output of your dry amp back into the H9, which will cause a feedback loop. Disconnect H9 input 2 and you should be fine.
December 17, 2015 at 10:11 pm #141867
Just to clarify.
Input 1 from the guitar thats it.. output 1 to dry amp.. output 2 to the wet amp?-
December 17, 2015 at 11:08 pm #141868Thomashowardueae wrote:Just to clarify. Input 1 from the guitar thats it.. output 1 to dry amp.. output 2 to the wet amp?
Maybe, but (there's always a but – you need to read p.30 of the latest UM). If the routing is set to WET2, the above will be correct.
Here is a more reliable approach:
1) In the system menu, set ROUTE to WET.DRY.
2) Then, the default setting for each preset will be WET1, meaning (according to the UM) "Physical Output 1 will be wet, Output 2 will be dry."
3) So, connect output 1 to the wet amp, output 2 to the dry amp..
The above assumes you are either using a MONO input or true STEREO. It does not allow other input arrangements.
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