First Time with timeFactor!! some troubles

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    • #111351

      Hi, all i'm having some troubles with my time factor, i wish you could help me, i'm using factor lib to organize my presets, but when i create a file and  import my preset and click on send to timefactor, in the time factor display says "DONE" but my presets didn't updated, i have all the time the same presets!! :S  any advice about what can i do, 

      and my second question is, is there any way to delete all preset saved?

      thank you so much , and sorry about my english

      greeting from spain

    • #125330

      no one can help me 🙁 ????????, i really need to know how to delete all saved presets

      thank you so much

    • #125333

      Restoring Factory Effects Presets and System Settings

      CAUTION: This function will overwrite any Presets that you have saved.

      To restore Factory Presets and all System settings, power up TimeFactor while simultaneously pressing the Middle Footswitch and the Encoder until [INITIALIZING] is displayed.

    • #136141

      hi, i read the manual, but what i want is to delete all presets, not restore the 100 presets that  comes with factory setting, i want 0 presets saved in the timefactor, and then starting to add my own presets

       exist any combination to make that, i didn't find it in the manual???

      thank you so much

    • #136142
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry but you can't do that. You can limit the range of presets however. So, let's say you only need ten. Limit the range to 10 and load in your own 10 presets. Then you'll never see any of the factory presets. 

      • #136143

        ohh thanks so much, I Skipped this step in my read of the manual :P,

        thank you soooo much

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