Fission AAX – please consider adding a ‘soft bypass’ or ‘On/Off’ button

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Fission AAX – please consider adding a ‘soft bypass’ or ‘On/Off’ button

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    • #114034

      when I bypass Fission in OS X Sierra / Protools HD 12.7.1 the DAW glitches out and audio passing thru Fission goes temporarily out of sync. this makes it impossible to A/B the plugin’s processing with the dry signal when the DAW is in playback. yes, I could use the mix control but this isn’t an ideal solution.

      my proposed solution: please add a ‘soft bypass’ or ‘on/off’ button to Fission. this would get around the limitations of using the protools bypass system.



      (its 100% perfect when bypassing in Live 9 or Logic X.. this behaviour only occurs in Protools 12 (to my knowledge)




    • #145843
      Eventide Staff

      H offaxis-

      Yes, I can see why this would be frustrating. How would you feel about a right-click command for the global Mix value, which would toggle between the current mix value and the dry signal (0%).


    • #146584

      I have found that what is really happening is that when fission is bypassed the plugin delay is removed. This makes the delay compensation adjust every time the plugin is bypassed, causing the glitches. Every other plugin does not do this, and the delay (latency) is kept while bypassed. This makes automating the bypass impossible, instead I need to automate the mix control. Please address this in a future update.

      • #146592
        Eventide Staff


        Yes, you are correct that this is what is happening. We will look into fixing this in a future update.


    • #146593

      Thanks for your comment, I just wanted to add one thing. The only other Eventide plugin I own is the omnipressor, and I noticed that has the same problem. Only that one has no mix control so it is impossible to automate the bypass.

      Thank you

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