Free H9 algorithms for eventide stompbox owners?

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    • #113901


      Jan 21 2104 I got an Eventide Insider newsletter email announcing the H9 Core. Included in that was the following (underlining mine)…

      H9 Control Support for all Eventide Stompboxes…


      As a reward to loyal Eventide customers, with the release of this new software in March, registered owners of ModFactor, PitchFactor or Space will receive two free H9 algorithm coupons for each stompbox registered with Eventide (coupons for TimeFactor owners will follow with the subsequent update to H9 Control in April). 

      How do I get my H9 coupons? (I've got a PitchFactor & TimeFactor registered [and my H9], so I should have 4 coupons coming). I don't see them in the H9 app store. I purchased an algorithm a couple of days ago and did not see an option to use a coupon. Has this been delayed?



    • #126565

        No, it hasn't been delayed.  If you connect your TimeFactor or PitchFactor to H9 Control at the same time as your H9, you'll be able to use your coupons tied to your devices.  The reason that your Factor pedals have to be connected is that we didn't want to give people an incentive to try to guess the serial numbers of Factor pedals and try to register them to their accounts on the website just to get the coupons tied to the devices…

      • #126567

          Do the factor pedal coupons still work on Desktop H9 Control  without an amazon account?

          We can't use amazon payments in Australia and you can't connect a Timefactor to an ios device.  

          If an amazon account is required  to use the factor coupons I'm not sure how you can connect both devices at the same time.

        • #137234


            Do the factor pedal coupons still work on Desktop H9 Control  without an amazon account?

            Yes, if you want to buy something in the desktop version of H9 Control, you'll need an amazon account.  But you can use your coupons in the desktop apps store without an amazon account.

          • #137901

              Is the coupons per/ factor pedal still happening. I just received an H9 and I am not seeing the coupons?

            • #137902

                You have to have your Factor pedal(s) and your H9 connected to H9 Control at the same time for you to see and use the coupons. We did this b/c we didn't want to give people an incentive to try to guess a Factor pedal serial number, register it, and use someone else's coupons.

              • #137903

                  Sorry, I should of typed more information in my post. Honestly I was digging my new H9 so much that I just wanted to keep playing guitar. I am very impressed.

                  I had both of the H9 and my MF connected. (I will check and see if the coupon shows up today).

                  (I also did not back up my MF and lost all my created presets. I had some problems with backing up and decided just to skip it: my mistake. I only mention this in case some one else becomes inpatient and is tempted to make the same foolish decision).

                • #137904

                    It worked. Smile Maybe yesterday I did not notice the message up above in the center that said the number of coupons I had available. I was just looking at the amazon payment tab. I am a happy camper now.

                  • #145252

                      hey, please forgive me my question, but I was wondering if the coupons are still available if the H9 Core was purchased via 2nd hand only, but is already registered to the new owners (me) account?

                      • #145255
                          grizzlymix wrote:

                          hey, please forgive me my question, but I was wondering if the coupons are still available if the H9 Core was purchased via 2nd hand only, but is already registered to the new owners (me) account?

                          If the previous owner didn’t use the coupon, it will still be available to you. When you go into the store, a dialog will say “you have 1 coupon available” if you do in fact you have one available. If this doesn’t happen, then the previous owner must have used the coupon.

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