future iOS support questions

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    • #166449

        how many H90 pedals will the control app handle this time? will the control app manage both H9 and H90, or do I need two iPad’s with different apps if I have both pedals?

        does the iOS bluetooth limit only apply to identical devices, or do I get another three bluetooth device so I could run three H9’s and three H90’s from the same iPad?

        can you control the entire algorithm on the pedal easily without the app? I *don’t* want to use a computer, tablet, or a phone as part of my performance if I don’t have too. that would be a great reason for me to upgrade all my H9’s to H90’s. I hate having a computer around. period.


      • #166450
        Eventide Staff

          how many H90 pedals will the control app handle this time?

          Presently, the desktop app will only control one H90 at a time.

          Will the control app manage both H9 and H90, or do I need two iPad’s with different apps if I have both pedals?

          Currently, H90 Control is desktop only. No iOS app available, but it’s coming. No timetable yet.

          does the iOS bluetooth limit only apply to identical devices, or do I get another three bluetooth device so I could run three H9’s and three H90’s from the same iPad?

          Again, TBD. There is no plan to make H90 Control compatible with H9 at the moment.

          can you control the entire algorithm on the pedal easily without the app? I *don’t* want to use a computer, tablet, or a phone as part of my performance if I don’t have too. that would be a great reason for me to upgrade all my H9’s to H90’s. I hate having a computer around. period. thanks!

          Without a doubt 100% you can control the pedal without the app. We designed it to be easy.

        • #166493

            This post touches on something I’m concerned with. Is Eventide planning on keeping the H9 control app up to date in relation to OS upgrades of mobile devices and computers that may break the app somehow for quite a long time? I hope my H9Max is useable through software for as long as it lives! Thanks!🙂


            I would have no problem if there was a way to roll the H9 into the H90 control app.

          • #166535

              I also wonder about support for the H9 moving forward.  Can you speak more directly about that?

            • #166567

                I’ve relegated an iPad mini to my H9’s, and stopped updating it when Eventide released the last update. they’re fairly cheap refurbed, and Heckler Design makes a very nice iPad stands that look nice in your studio or bedroom gearspot.

                thank you for the answers Joe. if I can do everything on an H90 without the app – I WILL LOVE IT!!!!

                hated the app and need for a computer in the middle of my music; I don’t use presets, I prefer to freewheel everything from scratch every time. I don’t mind menu diving on the device at all.

              • #166569

                  I don’t use presets, I prefer to freewheel everything from scratch every time. I don’t mind menu diving on the device at all.

                  That’s what made the app and an iPhone or iPad in my case great. Along with my K&M tablet holder on a mic stand is perfect. I have no need for the H90 so my concern is Eventide’s support intentions for the H9.

                • #166591
                  Eventide Staff

                    Is Eventide planning on keeping the H9 control app up to date in relation to OS upgrades of mobile devices and computers that may break the app somehow for quite a long time?


                  • #166593
                    Eventide Staff

                      if I can do everything on an H90 without the app – I WILL LOVE IT!!!!

                      Then you will LOVE IT! H90 was designed to access all information easily from the front panel of the pedal.

                    • #166597

                        Is Eventide planning on keeping the H9 control app up to date in relation to OS upgrades of mobile devices and computers that may break the app somehow for quite a long time?


                        Thank You!

                      • #166602

                          thanks for the info Joe!

                          now to start selling off some stuff…. *that hand wringing thing folks do when they’re excited emoticon*

                        • #172265

                            fwiw, at this late I was pleasantly surprised to find my old ipad mini 4 would connect all five H9’s via bluetooth instead of the previous limit of three devices. just when my USB connection was getting stupid and balky something nice happened.

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