FW8000 via Firewire and Rme soundcards

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    • #105374
      dinkita konda

        Hi, im trying to connect the fwh8000 with its software via firewire on my Intel mac Pro.

        i have 2 soundcarsd rme 400 and Rme 8000 as agregated devices running Logic 8.

        Instaled the software but it wont recognize the eventide FWH8000 .

        when i restart the computer (with the FwH8000 pluged in )it knocks myRme soundcard out and wont recognize it..

        can u help ?

        might be that theres too many devices (3 )for only 2 fw ports ?


      • #116996

         Hi Dinkita

        if you are using your Mac on Leopard (10.5.x) the H8000FW firewire driver doesn't support yet this OS X version. It's good for 10.4.

        Firewire aggregation should be possible in Logic if you are on 10.4.

        Please also consider that the MacPro firewire400 and 800 ports ALL share the same bus (NOT so Pro!). So additional FW cards are the real pro solution to limited bandwidth Apple poor design offers.

        all the best

      • #117001
        dinkita konda

          thanks that is very helpfull

          will wait until new upgrade to use FW and think about the options then..
          when do u think to upgrade ?


          thanks for the help

        • #128021

           Unfortunately I don't have a specific deadline for the update as many projects are on going at the moment. I'm confident it should be available as soon as possible.

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