FX Chain 2 – 4 No USB Output

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    • #183685

        Just received my H9000. I have set up four Fx Chains using USB audio in Logic. All four chains are receiving audio from Logic whereby Fx Chain 1 is receiving audio via USB1-2, Fx Chain 2 via USB 3-4, etc.

        Meters on the H9000 indicate that the audio is being received in each chain based on the input level meter.

        The problem is that on Fx Chains 2 – 4 I cannot get any audio to actually output from the chain. This is indicated by a null meter ready on the output of each chain.

        I’ve attached a screenshot from the eMote session to show what I’m seeing and included the routings too.

        I’m sure it is some basic parameter that I’m missing but I’ve already burned about two hours on this… any thoughts?

      • #183687

          Don’t see a screenshot. Can you try using the #6421 White Noise algorithm and connect it to your USB outs?

        • #183695
          Eventide Staff

            If you load the Factory Session “901 Reverb Buses” that will give you the correct input/output routing when using USB audio.

            If you still cannot get audio to pass, please email support@eventideaudio.com and I can help you further there.

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