G-Switch Foot controller?

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    • #105465

      Does anyone have any experience using the TC Electronic G-Switch 3-Button Footswitch with the Timefactor?  If not, what do you use?

    • #117175


      at Eventide we've successfully used the DigiTech FS300.

      all the best

    • #117192

       Thank you!  However, what would be the best way to tell if the G-switch would work … before actually trying it of course …

    • #128281

       Probably checking tech specs of it and comparing to the Digitech. Testing is the best way…..

    • #128284

       Just grabbed the g-switch because that's what was available (the digitech would take a week and a bit to come in).  It works perfect.

    • #128287

      Good to know!


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