generic info on effects-building

Home Forums Products Vsig and Preset Development generic info on effects-building

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    • #105313

      Hello Italo,

      Is it allowed here to share information on for example the differences between the several types of reverb/chorus structures? Or is this forum only for the explanation on how to use VSIG?

    • #116888

       Hi Harrie

      yes these matters can be discussed here as they are related to building effects…and, obviously, that's what Vsigfile is meant for.


    • #116893


      I'll make some documents with information I have gathered on reverb structures and post hem in here. Most information is already on other places on the internet but scattered all over the place. It would be nice to center that information here.

      It would be great if others would join and give their information as well (as far as patents and compagnies allow it).

    • #127928

       Nice !


      Thanks Harrie

    • #127956

      It is possible to add pictures?? I want to add some structures Cool

    • #127957

      I believe you can insert an image if it has an url (linking to it).

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