Getting the best out of twin delays

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    • #106710

      It's great having the twin delays of the TimeFactor, and important that they sound musical and not messy.  Single delays, by comparison, are easy to hear.

      Does anyone have any suggestions / some basic exercises / tips to learn about twin delays and hear how they can work best?

      Of course, much of this is about experimenting, but its helpful to have something to focus/ structure the experiment to quicklyget the best out of a powerful delay unit with so many options.

    • #119652

        I've found that it's best to start with only one delay, by turning the Dly Mix knob fully counter-clockwise. Apply tweaks to the Dly A and Fdbk A knobs to get a feel for the basic controls.

        Once you have settings you are happy with, turn up the Dly Mix knob a little and listen to how you can add the second delay in for flavor. You can keep the Delay B level low so that it adds a dimension without overpowering.

        Turning Tempo ON (Press Encoder Button) is a great way to keep the two delays together rhythmically. With Tempo ON, try setting one delay to a quarter note and the other delay to a dotted 8th note. That's a classic setting made famous by U2's the Edge. There are many more note value combinations waiting to be discovered!  Idea

      • #119653

        Thanks for taking the time to reply, achatput.  This is very helpful.

        You mention the basic approach for an Edge-style delay.  As a quick, follow-up question, how I can quickly dial in a) a big Lukather stadium solo delay sound and b) a Gilmour setting?

        ie what would you dial in on delay time / feedback/ mix etc?


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