Global Wet/Dry Mix Ratio

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    • #105509

        What is the typical range one one set the Global Mix/Dry setting in a combo/Head? I ask because I just recently re-acquired an Eclipse and it seems that I need to run this global parameter close to 50% Mix to get the desired wetness in presets like comb/band delays. Pwhen I last had an Eclipse I would never set this beyond 25% when run in the loop of my amps — and it provided enough wet signal.

        This Eclipse was a Blem item, and when it first arrived it was not functioning properly. I had issues like….tracking was off (the signal was about a few hundreths of a second behind the actual played notes…and after about 3 or 4 patch/preset changes, the audio would cut out. I called support and they advised to clear the system's RAM — and that seem to have fixed those aforementioned problems.

        But to my ears, I find that the comb/band delay presets/algos, are very faint even up to the 50% mix level.

        I could be mistaken but I remember them being alot more audible in my previous Eclipse. In fact in my TimeFactor, this same algo…requires me to set the mix control no higher than 12 to 15% and it is very audible.

        I'd like to know if this is the expected result and I am just wrong on my expectations.

      • #117256

        the amount of FX in a serial loop is really a personal taste subject. Reverb may require very different settings from delays..and modulation fx are another different planet. There is no ideal setting really. It's a matter of personal tweaking for your own taste and needs. I generally do not use a 50/50 setting, enjoying more a 60/40wet one.

        Comb and Band delays are subtle fxx. They can be made more prominent depending on what you play 8tonal content of the instrument) and correct setting of the filters (band) or resonance (combs). They often do not sound gret right away as are very sonic_content dependent.

        In addition to all of this, FX loops can be designed in very different ways, from very poor to very good…and anything in between.

        all the best

      • #117262

          Yes, thank you…that's what I wanted to confirm….it had been a while since I last had an Eclipse.

          Thanks for your reply

        • #128368

            i have my wet/dry mix set to 100% wet and control the mix within each preset. setting the individual mix levels on each block means i can run some delays at about 35% wet for a natural sounding effect, but i can also run some at 100% for special fx. also good for filters etc where you might want to process the whole signal. it's a bit more work in terms of setting up each preset, but it does give you a bit more flexibility.


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