
Home Forums Products Rackmount gtr4000

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    • #105543

      Hi tHi There
      i have a a GTR4000 and when i tweak the stomp box effects or for that matter any effect it will not let me update and save what i have just done any simple answers please thanks Kevin

    • #117343

      Hi Kevin,

      You might have used up all your memory which is what I've just done myself saving heaps of modified presets. If that's the cause you could make more memory space by deleting some you do'nt use anymore or preferably buy a memory card to start saving your extra programs on which I also need to do. If that does'nt work you might need to ask Italo.


    • #117344

       Yes, Tim is right.

      Your GTR ram memory is full. Either you erase some presets to make room for new ones or mods of existing presets or you buy a PCMCIA memory card.


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