H3000 Factory feature requests/bugs

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    • #187365

        I understand these are vintage recreations, but sometimes adding in some modern ‘plus’ allows deeper exploration of the past.


        – The delay time in the actual modules don’t actually display sync values, only MS? Unless I’m missing a hidden way/modifier combo to switch the display from ms to sync value?

        – More softkeys for quick access to certain values per preset, you could have 4 pages of softkeys.

        – The Mixer modules could all be stereo, which would simplify patching in some scenarios. If the user only uses one output then it would act as it currently does (a sum of a+b).

        I cant find a way  to delete snapshots which is a PITA if the user wants to save a new revision preset without carrying all those snapshoots into the next preset.

        – A simple GUI improvement to the program page, would be slightly greying out unused modules so that the eyes can better focus on what is currently patched and where.

        – If you really wanted to take H3000 into the future…. or… present…. you could add Mid/Side to the modules for some crazy spatial fx programing.


        Full disclaimer, I haven’t read the manual or searched some of these hang ups… which means if they are already included… they were hard to find in the plugin….




      • #187461

          Forgot to mention one idea,

          Giving the Snapshots a morph switching capability with a speed/sync slider akin to GRM Tools’ Snapshot system.



        • #187528
          Eventide Staff

            Hey Peteza,

            Appreciate all these ideas. Should we loop around for a deeper revamp of the H3k Factory interface, I think some of these would be nice – dimming unused modules would be especially interesting to experiment with. More Soft Keys, stereo modules, Mid/Side, and snapshot morphing sound valuable, though we presently have no plans to make such significant changes to the current iteration of the H3000 Mk II plugins.

            The beat grid at the top of the delay module provides synced control over the delay amount, though you’re correct that the delay readout is always in ms. For a synced value, you can gather the beat division from the position of the diamond handle in the beat grid. Good to know that’s a possible point of confusion, though.

            Regarding snapshots, you’re correct that there’s no way to clear an existing snapshot – only overwrite existing snapshots. Though you can elect to ignore unused snapshots, I understand that it’d be nice to have the snapshots in a blank state. I’ll make a note of this as a possible improvement to the snapshots system.

            Glad you’re getting good use out of the plugin, and thanks for the feedback.


          • #187579


              Thank you, yes the updates are fantastic.

              I like to keep an organized house. The problem with not being able to clear Snapshots is that, if I go to create a new preset from an existing one, in the future I will have no idea if the Snapshots are actually relative to the preset or not, or if some are relative or others are not… Then we’re in a situation of having to figure out if these snapshots are something from a previous preset, or if they are actually unique to the current, or a mix, which can be written over, which can’t, etc, etc. I guess a workaround for that now that I’m here picking the problem apart, would be to name the snapshots the same as the preset name… But that is time consuming.

              We’d want to be able to both delete individual snapshots, as well as clear the entire bank… And now that I think about it, copy and paste as well (duplication of Snapshots for the purpose of incremental tweaks/experiments).


              The other thing I forgot to mention was, Undo/Redo… In such deep complex plugins, not having undo/redo is a bit of a bummer. When doing sound design, it’s a constant of back and forth – “try this, now try this, go back 2 steps, try this, go here, try that, try this, back 1 step, etc, etc.


              Snapshot morphing would definitely take these plugins into the next dimension, being able to morph through a series of snapshots for a section of vocals as a transitional effect over a bar, and film sound effects, sound design, etc. Huge asset. Would sell more units I’m sure of it.


              Workflow workflow workflow.


              Love you guys, amazing stuff.



            • #187614
              Eventide Staff

                I see what you’re saying – your issues with snapshots are an issue of keeping track of context and general housekeeping. I agree that those improvements (as well as deeper features like morphing) would give the plug-in more depth.

                Regarding undo/redo – this is already possible with your standard keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+z and such). If that is not working for you, let me know and I can put in a bug report.

                Again, your thoughts are much appreciated. Insights from power users looking to dig deeper will help us not just to improve our existing line, but smooth out future plug-ins.

                Glad you’re enjoying,


              • #187618

                  Ah, good tip on the key command. I do think I prefer just being able to click an icon to avoid accidently undoing something in the DAW project without realizing it if the plugin isn’t in focus. But good to know it’s possible.

                  Thanks for taking the time to respond David,


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