H3000 Factory MkII plugin & intelligent harmony?

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    • #189267

        It’s supposed to be a harmonizer, but sure seems light on that aspect.

        Fixed interval harmony is useless to me. Perhaps it works for strictly pentatonic scales? I was expecting intelligent harmony (i.e. the ability to set a key).

        My Quadravox plugin gives me the ability to set the key. I assumed this plugin would give me similar if not better abilities.  All I see is either fixed intervals or cents for the 2nd voice. 

        I haven’t seen any videos detailing how to make typical Eventide type harmonies with the H3000 Factory MkII. Nothing like what I’ve heard from people like Jay Graydon or Larry Carlton.

        Did I expect too much from a so called harmonizer? The other aspects of the product are nice, but I’ve got similar functionality in spades.

        Is there a video out there that explains how to implement “intelligent harmony” in this plugin?

      • #189282
        Eventide Staff


          The H3000 Factory MKII plug-in models the Patch Factory and Mod Factory algorithms from the H3000. While these algorithms do feature pitch shifters, they do not offer the key/scale intelligent harmonizing features of the Diatonic Shift algorithm. Sorry that this was not clear to you.

          I will say that there are many situations where fixed interval harmony can be useful. Octaves and 4ths/5ths are easy for many sources, and other intervals can create unique effects that you wouldn’t get when quantized to a key/scale. The detuning and micro shift presets are also very useful on a variety of sources.

          You could always try something like combining the key/scale harmonizing using Quadravox and then adding some detuning or modulation from the H3000 plug-in to add a little bit extra that you wouldn’t get from Quadravox alone.

          Let me know if you have any other questions.



        • #189286

            Oh my, did I fall for it. A “recreation” of a “harmonizer” that can’t harmonize a third interval. Just great!


            Sorry, I don’t make Chinese music, so I have no need of harmonizing 4th and 5th intervals.


            Yeah, I feel I was ripped off. Absolute junk from my standpoint. Eventide should have been VERY explicit in the fact the intelligent harmony aspect is missing.

            This is not a harmonizer. It is a collection of various delays and no reverbs. 


            Glad I didn’t pay $199. I’d be really mad. Sorry Eventide, you’ve lost me as a customer.

          • #189297
            Eventide Staff

              Sorry that you feel like you were misled. I assure you, we are not trying to get you to “fall for” anything with this plug-in. All of our plug-ins have free demo periods, and we are active on our forums and support channels to answer any questions you have before deciding to make a purchase.

              I have to respectfully disagree with you when you say “this is not a Harmonizer”. Eventide invented the Harmonizer, and there were many iterations of Eventide Harmonizers that existed before the concept of adding a key/scale parameter was introduced. If you’re interested, we have a great timeline that details the history of the Harmonizer: https://www.eventideaudio.com/timeline/

              I understand that you are unhappy with this purchase, and we’d like to keep you as a customer. Please reach out to support@eventideaudio.com and we’d happy to help make this right for you.

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