H3000 Factory not rendering in Sound Forge Pro 10d (Win)

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    • #109467

        Have an odd issue using H3000 Factory in Sound Forge Pro 10 (Win).  When I first load in a preset, no effect is applied.  If I change the preset again, the effect is heard (works whether I choose the same preset thru the browser or another preset).

        When  I hit the "OK" button to apply the effect, no effect is applied at all.  Sometimes even, the waveform is eliminated entirely (no sound in the file).

        My BlackHole plug works fine in SF10 and I know the audio selection is correct,  so I'm wondering if this is a bug in H3000?

        Currently running apps on an Asus Win 64-bit platform notebook.


      • #124205


        Could you tell me the exact version of the software ? Does it generate a rendered output at all?


        Amey Rairikar

      • #124206


          I'm using v 2.05 H3000 plug (latest) and Sound Forge Pro 10d on a Win7 64-bit machine.  It's very odd.  I can Preview the effect in Forge and all is well.  As soon as I commit to applying the effect, I either get a rendered file with no effect applied or the waveform/sound is totally gone/empty (no sound).

          I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions installed as SForge and Acid are still 32 bit apps.  So, I am using the 32 bit version of the plug.  Other plugs seem to render fine.



        • #137168

            Hi are you still having this issue?

            George Ware

            MacMoney Studios


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