H3500 missing presets

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    • #187912

        I have a H3500 DFX-sampling unit which works fine but is missing every preset from 124-424. I have done a factory reset but the issue persists. Could I have a bad rom IC? I have even removed the roms, cleaned their pins and theose of the sockets with contact cleaner and reseated them to no effect 🙁 Perhaps I am missing one? The attached image shows enough I think though the main rom is hidden beneath the sampling board. There are 2 empty slots visible.


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      • #187914

          Hello JMZ,

          It looks like ROM #4 and ROM #5 are missing from your board. However I’m not sure if the earliest DFX units– before 1993– contain presets 150-424.

        • #187915

            Thanks for the reply.

            The serial number id H3500 dfx#9796 which I assumed puts it after 93. In all the internal picture I can find of the unit online, those slots are empty. Is there a way to know which presets are stored on which rom IC?

          • #188394

              Quick first question: Did you just purchase the unit recently this way or add any ROMs recently? Or can you confirm they worked before? This is important to know.

              • #188406

                  Thanks for the reply,

                  I purchased the unit in this condition last year. I have added no ROMs but have cleaned the IC sockets to rule out corrosion as a possible cause.

                • #188476

                    Can you get me pictures of the two presets ROM’s (your picture is close but I still can’t read the writing), and ideally of the OS ROM under the sampler board? But if that is too much of a hassel, what does the unit display when you turn it on (H3000? H3500? v2.17? v2.16, etc etc) Also, every ROM *besides the OS ROM* is electrically in parallel, so their position/slot is not actually critical. BUT you cannot mix 256 and 512K/1M program ROM’s. The jumper has to be set correctly. I can’t tell if someone put different ROMs in there and took out the H3500 programs and OS ROMs.

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