H7600 Batterie Change Weird Information

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    • #111644

      Hello, I ve been reading all the post about changing the batterie in the H7600 Harmonizer. I read that Italo de Angelis recomends only the BR 2330 but, Nick said that CR2330 is the same. In my country is impossible to find a BR2330 but I could find a CR2330. The unit that I have its used, from 2008, in the setup menu before changing the batterie said Total Hours / Powered 54399 / 499. Now when I changed the batterie (with the unit disconected from the AC Outlet) of course program were lost, I know but, when I verified the Total Hours / Powered menu tab it says -577190 / -577190. I used the equipment for 2 hours and the next day I verified again and its says -577160 / -577188.

      so, questions: 1) Why the sign minus before the numbers?  2) The first number its OK because the 30 hours was the time between the 2 hours that I used it and the new power on. 3) The first 6 digits, total hours since left the factory dont make sense now and why the time pass and the number decrease? 4) I used the equiment for 2 hours and this decrease the total from the second 6 digits number, its that correct? Thanks for your answers. Alex

    • #125997
      Eventide Staff

      These numbers are not meaningful – if the battery is changed with no power attached, the original one will be lost, and replaced with meaningless values.

      We put the realtime clock in the unit thinking that it would be useful, but ended up not using it, so its values should be ignored.

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