h7600 how to load a program on vsigfile

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    • #105745


         I just bought a h7600 and was wondering how to do some "reverse engineerinig" in order to learn how the existing programs are assembled. For example, I saved the ring modulator 5111 from the h7600 to the memory card, and then triedd to load it from Vsigfile from my computer, but as it is a *.bin file I couldnt do that. Is there a way to do it?

         Sorry for my stupid question  but I really dont see how to do that 😉



      • #117697

         Hi D

        Vsigfile only works with the H7600 directly connected to the PC, via a serial COM port & serial cable or an USB to serial adapter (for those PCs having no com ports). You can't edit files on a card. Please refer to Vsigfile user manual for details on this.

        all the best


      • #117706

          It also works via MIDI which I use all the time, as long as your PC has a MIDI interface. Italo mentioned that Serial would be faster and more relaible, but I find that downloading even a complex preset takes no time at all.

        • #128852

            Thanks for the answer, I will try it and come back when I have some news 

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