H8000 adat timeout failure?

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        I’ve recently bought an H8000 non-firewire. Using the ADAT A>B routing works as expected initially. But if the machine sits dormant for a day or so, when I return there is no audio passing through. Only after clearing all settings, rebooting, and re-routing through ADAT do I get signal again. I’m using an RME UFX mk1, so I can confirm with TotalMix that signal is being sent out thought ADAT, but nothing is returning. Additionally the meters on the H8000 are silent.

        Seems like the connection is timing out? I wouldn’t think that’s even possible with ADAT, but it’s the best way I can think to describe whats happening. Any idea’s how to prevent this and keep signal available all the time (and avoid the need for so many re-sets)?

        Thank you!

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