H8000 Building Blocks

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    • #110919

      I have an Eventide Eclipse.  Frankly I am bonkers for the thing.  I am going to use it live with a Moog Guitar and Voyager at the Electro Music Festival in Heugenot.  I am getting sounds out if this box that just are not normal.  Given that I am an experimental musician I love how many great and clearly way out of he box sounds you can get.

      It's a major financial investment for me but I am seriously considering an H8000.  My problem is this.  I am looking at the manuals and it looks like you basically use building blocks from more basic units.  It's a bit like the Eclipse but you get all the parts and can do what you want with them.  But what I don't see in the manual is a list if the building blocks and their function.  If you could direct me to something like this is PDF format I would love to see it before I invest a lot of money.

      Great job on the Eclipse!

    • #124471
      Eventide Staff

        Glad you enjoy the Eclipse !!

        As you will have noted, the H8000 is a much bigger thing – possibly too much for some.

        Probably the best way to understand the modular building blocks is to download Vsig (PC only – sorry). This comes with help files that give you information about the various modules, which sounds like what you seek.

      • #124472

        Aha, yes, I think that will do it.  I do a lot of hard and soft synth programming but the added complication is that you have to program I/O and a user interface.  It's not beyond me.  I will peruse the manuals first.  Of course loading a preset and tweaking is an easy way to get started.

        i find the Eclipse interface pretty easy and straightforward.  This is clearly more but I also am thinking long term.  I like starting with real instruments and processing them.  I'm less and less a fan of paint by numbers synths like Alchemy and Omnisphere that come with samples after someone did the sound design.  I want my own.

        I personally think some time investment might be worth it.  The Eclipse is paying offf for me.  Best piece of gear I have.  So with time investment I expect so much more from the H8000.

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