H8000 in 2U rackcase?

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    • #176572

        Is it OK to place H8000 into 2U rackcase? One of those plastic ones. It would have open front and back (when in use) and there is less than 3/4 of inch of space below and above the unit (in rackcase)….. And about an inch on both sides.

        I am going to run it indoors, not on sun and so….

        It would be more convenient to have it in 2U case, than in 3U with one empty position. But I do not want to fry it…..

      • #176577
        Eventide Staff

          Since it is an older machine that is known to run hot, I would recommend playing it safe and putting it in a case with extra room.

        • #176598

            OK, I sort of expected that answer. So, 3U rackcase……:-(

            And Eclipse? Does it need extra space, or 1U is OK? (I fear the answer.)

          • #176607
            Eventide Staff

              I’ll quote the Eclipse user manual just for fun “Keep the Eclipse well ventilated, dust-free, dry, and, like Little Bear’s porridge, neither too hot nor too cold.”

              Personally, I give all of my vintage rack mount gear space in the racks if possible. These machines can be expensive and difficult to service, so my suggestion is to play it safe.

              You could do a test with either machine in the smaller cases and see how much heat is being generated and make a decision based off that.

            • #176616

                OK, good suggestion. I will try 3U case for Eclipse and two other 1U devices (they are only about 3″ deep, so there will be space below and above Eclipse at the rest of area) and I will see, if it gets too hot.

                You are right that H8000 is becoming pretty expensive, so I’ll place it in 3U case…

              • #176617
                Eventide Staff

                  Sure thing, I did just run both the Eclipse and H8000 for a few hours and the H8000 is noticeably warm while the Eclipse doesn’t seem to put off much heat, so you should be fine. I would still recommend doing the test to make sure the amount of heat is ok once it’s in a case, mine is in a rack with nothing surrounding it.

                • #176619

                    Thanks a lot.

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