H8000 won’t pass audio

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    • #105609

        First it started clicking and popping when trying to sync to either wordclock or AES. Then at one point the input LEDs stopped responding. If I hit BYPASS the input signal would register, but of course it wouldn't output audio.

        Then I tried connecting with analog connectors – setting sync to Internal 48 – and the same problem occured. LEDs would only register when unit is BYPASSed and no audio output at all.

        Any advice would be appreciated. I'd hate to have to send this in for service. 

      • #117438

          Is the routing set up properly?

          Try sticking with the THRU preset first.

          Are the meters set correctly to show what you want?

        • #117439

            I switched to ADAT connections, then tried using a different wordclock cable. It worked fine this way. Then I switched back to AES and it continues to work.

            Seems like the wordclock cable was the problem. 

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