H8000FW adat not sending effects

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    • #107648


      I've hooked up the adat to and from my h8000fw and I am chasing my tail. I am seeing signal and getting levels. My sound card is seeing the return signal but no FX are coming back. It's almost as if the signal is routing through the 8000 and coming back uneffected. I am running at 44.1 and the ADAT is reading OK. It was slipping but it did lock in.

      Thanks for any help on this.
      Can imagine having this unit and not getting to hear it? It's making me crazy.

    • #121587
      Eventide Staff


        It's almost as if the signal is routing through the 8000 and coming back uneffected.

        It is entirely possible to set up the H8000 to do exactly this. What are your routing settings ?

      • #121588

        I just found some good threads here with some routing settings. I need to go back to the 8000 tonight and try again. I didn't realize you had to tell it to go to and from each dsp and input output etc… I just keep hoping the next thing I try makes it go but as of yet nothing. I think tonight will be th night. I feel like I am so close. Is there an easy routing for adat you could suggest? I just need to get ADAT 1 in and through each DSP and out back to CUBASE 5 I think I am just setting the out to ADAT 1 and its bypassing the DSPs?

        Thank you for helping.

      • #132786
        Eventide Staff

          The H8000 family routing is fairly sophisticated, and thus not simple. For your purposes, I would suggest that you use one of the Factory Routings,either "ADAT 8 Track A,B", "ADAT A || B" or "ADAT A->B" as appropriate. See FACTORY ROUTING CONFIGURATIONS on p.26 of the UM for more information.

          Once you have this working, you might want to download the Routing Utility from the H8000 Support Page to learn more about the machine's routing capabilities.

        • #132819

          Thanks for the help, I got it now. I haven't had time to go on the internet since I got it working if you know what I mean. Thank you very much!

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