H8000fw CAN’T SYNC via AES/EBU

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    • #115913


      Ihave a H8000fw sw v.5.5, connected with my Symphony mkii through AES/EBU 1&2 in the configuration AES4 A-B.

      The clock is reported to be slipping (the EXT lid is blinking and also on the clock menu AES 1/2 clock is slipping and in the other page of the menu reported as AES11&12 are unlocked.

      I have already done a clear set up.

      I use a MacPro late 2013 with OS 10.14.6

    • #154884
      Eventide Staff

      You don't say what your sync source is set to.

      On the H8000FW the sync cannot be derived from the AES 1&2.

      You should either use AES11/12 (and set the sync source to that), or a WordClock from your Symphony.


    • #154890

      I am trying to sync to the Sympony mkii. The set AES 11/12 to be synced but they are reported to be slipping and the EXT lid is blinking.

      Today I tried to connect to my Prismsound Orpheus through the firewire and AES/EBU: same issue.

      I am trying to get the H8000fw synced to the Orpheus clock via the Firewire1 so I set it in that way under the clock menu but the H8000fw stays in its sample rate without syncing to the change of sample rate of the Orpheus. Pictures attached: AES 1/2 slipping and Firewire unlocked. No idea on what I am doing wrong.




    • #154892
      Eventide Staff

      Syncing to the FireWire is often unsuccessful, as the FireWire canj be very jittery.

      Strongly suggest you either set the H8000 is clock master running on internal sync, or use a Wordclok as clock master and sync everything else to it.

      Again, you cannot use AES 1/2 as the clock source.


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