H8000FW in guitar rig

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    • #106926

      Hi, whats the most common way to run h8000fw in stereo for guitar?

      My set up is ENGL Invader amp, H8000FW,Korg A1, im only using the A1 to send a stereo sum from the send of the head as its a true stereo unit, also for midi control of h8000 and Engl..

      Do i need to re-solder my Dimarzio guitar cables(balanced,un balanced) or is there a cable thats wired correctly that i can just purchase as i dont think im getting proper signal to noise ratio and dont really understand the whole wiring thing..


    • #120100

      Hi Cam

      it's not clear what you describe here. I'm sure you have no need for the A1.

      Your amp is mono, so you will need to get famiiar with the ROUTING concept of the H8000. Since the H8000 is not really created with the mono gtr rig in mind, you'll have to connect the FX Send of your amp to the Eventide analog input 1, route this analog input1 to DSP A  IN1 and IN2 (so a mono signal is being splitted to both inputs of stereo presets). Then route DSP A outputs into DSP B inputs (the 2 DSPs will be in series then). Regarding the outputs, you'll need to route DSP B out 1 + DSP B out 2 both to ANA1 (analog output 1) and connect this output to the fx loop return.

      I assume your amp uses +4dB line level signals, so you'll need  balanced cables with XLRs connectors on the Eventide side and unbalanced 1/4" jacks on the amp side. The User Manual explains the wiring for balanced to unbalanced applications.

      all the best


    • #120116

      Thanks for the info..


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