H8000FW Mod Delay/Glide Issue/Question

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    • #116281


        I have been experimenting with glide delays using VSig and have noticed some peculiar behavior with the the glide amount and the the LFO waveform modulating the delay.

        It seems as if the ‘sine’ family of wave forms are the only sources that actually produce a glide.  It also seems as if the glide amount is not being applied when modulating a delay from one value to the other.  For example:

        Consider a simple program with a mod_delay set to 3000ms with a mod value of 1000ms and a glide amound of 333ms/s.  Now, I would imagine that that if I applied a 1Hz LFO to the mod input, the delay would only have a 333ms excursion with a rate of change proportional to the mod waveform.  What curious is the modulation is smooth with a sine wave, but not with any other wave form.  A triangle for example just acts like a square wave where I would expect a linear transition between 2667 and 3333 ms (bipolar LFO).

        Further, I use control math to set the delay amount on a 1 second interval between 3000md and 3333ms, I would again expect a linear glide at 333ms/s, but I just get a click between the two delay values, not a smooth dive or rise in pitch.


        Example 1:  Square wave modulating base delay between 3000 and 3333ms.  Sound like siren no smooth glide at glide rate between values:

        HEADM adc 2 2 stereomixer-left stereomixer-right Empty Empty 1 “mod delay-obj” ;=0,0,100,0

        LFO lfo adc-null 0.333 0 2 0.5 0 ;=425,575,100,0

        KNOB modamt_k “modamt: %.2f ms” modamt 0 1000 1 333 ;=475,350,100,0

        KNOB glidespeed_k “glide: %.2f ms/s” glide 0 1000 1 333 ;=475,450,100,0

        A_TO_C a_to_c lfo-out ;=575,575,100,0

        C_MULTIPLY c_multiply a_to_c-out 333 ;=725,575,100,0

        C_ADDER c_adder 2 c_multiply-out 3000 ;=875,575,100,0

        ADDER adder 2 adc-in1 adc-in2 ;=100,25,100,0

        MODDELAY moddelay1 5000 adder-out adc-null c_adder-out modamt_k-out glidespeed_k-out ;=525,200,100,0

        MONITOR monitor c_adder-out “dly mon:%.2f ms” monitor ;=825,425,100,0

        MENUPAGE “mod delay” “delay param” delay 3 modamt_k-obj glidespeed_k-obj monitor-obj ;=1000,425,100,0

        STEREOMIXER stereomixer 2 modhicut1-out modhicut1-out -3 -3 0 0 ;=850,200,100,0

        MODHICUT modhicut1 moddelay1-out adc-null 6000 0 ;=675,200,100,0



        Example 2: Triangle LFO on mod input gliding between 3000 and 3333.  I would expect linear glide between two values, instead it’s another siren.  Trying both with glide =333ms/s and glide=3ms/s produces same pitch change:


        HEADM adc 2 2 stereomixer-left stereomixer-right Empty Empty 1 “mod delay-obj” ;=0,0,100,0

        LFO lfo adc-null 0.333 0 1 0.5 0 ;=425,575,100,0

        KNOB modamt_k “modamt: %.2f ms” modamt 0 1000 1 333 ;=475,350,100,0

        KNOB glidespeed_k “glide: %.2f ms/s” glide 0 1000 1 333 ;=475,450,100,0

        ADDER adder 2 adc-in1 adc-in2 ;=100,25,100,0

        MODDELAY moddelay1 5000 adder-out lfo-out 0 modamt_k-out glidespeed_k-out ;=525,200,100,0

        MENUPAGE “mod delay” “delay param” delay 3 modamt_k-obj glidespeed_k-obj adc-nullobj ;=1000,425,100,0

        STEREOMIXER stereomixer 2 modhicut1-out modhicut1-out -3 -3 0 0 ;=850,200,100,0

        MODHICUT modhicut1 moddelay1-out adc-null 6000 0 ;=675,200,100,0


      • #156794

          ..And then I found MULTIDELAY.  Problem solved.

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