H8000FW problem: DSP code 2001

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    • #106504


      I have a problem with my H8000FW, but I'm not sure if it's severe or not. From time to time when I power on the harmonizer, a message may appear saying

      *** Startup Error ***: DSP code 2001

      If I press continue, the DSP is unable to boot successfully after the error. However, if I power cycle the harmonizer, the next time it will most probably boot just fine. I'd like to get more detailed understanding of the error, what may be causing it, is it possible  to fix it, and may it affect the audio processing while unit is operating or not.

      Thank you!

    • #119179
      Eventide Staff

        This error indicates a possible DSP hardware problem. At powerup, the unit resets the DSPs and then waits for them to assume the correct state – if they do not in the time allowed, it reports this error.

        If it only happens occasionally you may wish to ignore it, but otherwise the unit will need to be serviced. If the unit powers up without error it will probably then run OK without audio issues, but we cannot say for certain.

      • #119186

        Thanks for the info! I've got more details about the error:

        1. Seems like it's more likely to occur during a "cold" boot (e.g. when the device has not been powered for some time) – a fast off/on cycle doesn't reproduce it.

        2. After I press continue, the initialization goes on, but then I get another error:

        Cannot boot DSP #0. Error 2006 … contact Service Department

        3. If I ignore this and press continue again, the device seems to try booting without the failed DSP, and then displays messages like "Something went wrong" (while trying to load a program into the failed DSP), "suggest power down", and, the most informative one – "host timeout".

        Did this additional information make things more clear? Maybe now you could tell something more specific about this error. By the way, I have some experience of successfully repairing complex electronic devices, so I could probably perform some kind of other tests if requested, to further investigate the root of this issue without the need of sending the unit overseas yet.

      • #130308
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry – all these are symptoms of the original problem, and my previous comments apply. Is your mains voltage good ?

        • #130310


          My mains voltage is around 210-230VAC@50Hz (the switch at the back of the unit is set to the corresponding position). Not sure about the quality of the actual sine wave though, but I could check it using an oscilloscope. In addition I can try feeding the unit with 110-120VAC@50Hz to bypass H8000's internal converstion circuitry (if any) and see if it has any effect.

          Also, I'm not sure if I have the third (ground) conductor of the IEC C13 plug properly grounded. Most probably it's just not connected.

        • #130313
          Eventide Staff

            Neither the choice of 110/220  nor the sinewave quality are the issue – it is the stability of the voltage that counts – any major dropouts could cause connected equipment (not just the H8000) to reset or lockup.

            You do need to ground the unit properly for safety and reliability reasons. If you are having ground loop issues, use XLR in and out, but drop the screen connection, usually on the inputs.

          • #130320

            Thanks! I'm currently only using digital I/O (AES/EBU and SPDIF) though.

            By the way, another issue I sometimes notice is a periodic sudden pop noise (like an impulse of very short duration), even happening when running the "Thru" program. I haven't yet checked to be sure that it's my H8000 creates them, but one of my ideas that it may be related to some digital sync issues.

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