H8000FW – What’s your Sample Rate?

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    • #105536

        H8000FW – What's your Sample Rate?

        I'm just curious about other H8000FW users on here.

        Do you mainly run the unit at 48k or 96k or other?

        I ask because Preset 6620 Monster Rack sometimes gives me DSP Overloads at 96k.

      • #117303

        Hi Calvin

        the use of 96KHz is recommended when digital domain recording at such sample rate is necessary. For any other app., like instrumental use, 48 KHz is the best sampling rate. Higher sampling rates cut DSPs resources in half so you can have some limitations.

        As adviced in private corrispondence w/Eventide Support, we have no problems with 6620 Monster Rack at 96KHz. If you are using external clock, it must be very, very stable though, to run large presets (monolithic) as this one.

        all the best

      • #117304


        you may also try a CLEAR SETUP (check the manual for Start-Up options) in case many tests and external/internal clock switching have been frequently done. 

        You could also try the MVRacks presets, in the same bank. They offer the same fx and more programming options.


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