H9 Algorithms you can’t live without!

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    • #111480

        I know the H9 is a best of  the algorithms of the factor pedals. But what algorithms that weren't included would you buy or recommend? I received a free algorithm with my purchase so I got the Quadravox. I'm just curious what other people like.Big Smile

      • #125601

        Modechoverb for me. Can get a pretty good replication of my old quadraverbs' chorus strings and Chorus strings 2 presets….. Early Verve nailed

      • #125607
          I received a free algorithm with my purchase so I got the Quadravox.

          Good choice; especially with the H910/H949 algorithm included.

          As far as the algos within PitchFactor pedal go, I probably use the HarModulator (parallel harmony with modulations), Diatonic (scale constrained harmonies with delay lines), and PitchFlex the most.  That is, beyond the two that you already have.

          It depends on what kinds of pitch processing that you're after.  The PitchFactor algorithms are pretty much all different & unique.  It's a multieffects pedal for pitch.

        • #125609

            I have a Whammy DT so some of the other Pitchfactor Algos weren't at the top of my list. Diatonic may be another I'll get. Would be nice to see some Algorithms Specials….Buy 2 get 1 free etc!!!Big Smile

          • #136327


               Would be nice to see some Algorithms Specials….Buy 2 get 1 free etc!!!Big Smile

              Well, Rotary is on sale now for half off.  That's a special, right?  And there will be others…

            • #136328

                That's cool. Where are those specials listed? Or do we have to check the H9 store within the H9 control?

              • #136329


                  That's cool. Where are those specials listed? Or do we have to check the H9 store within the H9 control?

                  Well, we mentioned that special in our last newsletter, and the first one was this month.  But we're going to be touching up H9 Control in the future to let you know about them in a way that's not too intrusive or annoying.

                • #136340
                    I have a Whammy DT so some of the other Pitchfactor Algos weren't at the top of my list.

                    Understood.  Then you can perform some "double-shifting" effects, too.  I use a Whammy4 to shift down an octave (or whatever).  Then use the PitchFactor to raise the signal back up to pitch.  Wonderfully dark, unique, and sometimes glitchy tones (especially with the H910/H949 options).

                    More on topic:  I would think that you might want to consider the H9-specific algorithms as well (Resonator, UltraTap, and what ET comes up with next).

                  • #136343


                      … we're going to be touching up H9 Control in the future to let you know about them in a way that's not too intrusive or annoying.

                      Cool idea!

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