H9 and Double Bass

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    • #115465

        Hi everyone
        I am tryin’ to use my H9 both with the electric bass and the double bass. With the electric it works fine, but with the double bass I have troubles to find good sounds with the same effects. It seems to me as if tracking was much worse. I cannot get a clear sound, most of the time there is something like a short slur that goes up to the pitch, and that makes the sound messy. I try to set all delays and things to zero but the sound still is swishy.
        The h9 is set to “bass”. Any suggestions?

      • #152498

          I have used my H9 on my acoustic upright a couple of times (used the guitar setting) and don’t recognize the problems you have. What algo did you use? And do you use a preamp for your upright? Might be an impedance mismatch. Or maybe your pickup has too much noise…

        • #152539

            Hey Bodde, thanks for your reply

            I was looking for a high glassy tone and tried the pitch algos and else. I encountered the slurry thing a couple of times. Example for such an algo is in Pitchfactor the Quadravox. I tried the “Good Morning Sun”. With algorhythms such as these i get the problem I described.

            I don’t know how to check impedance problems. Truth is that my setup is rather complicated. My pickup is a Schertler Dyn and I need a 10V preamp to get him go. And then I go into a Bassbone OD because I double. The H9 is in the send/receive loop.But I think that the slur problems would occur just with the H9 anyway. What do you think?


          • #152584
            Herr Mosa

              I am not a double bass player, but may I say that an acoustic double bass has a different sustain/release behaviour, regarded as an envelope triggering fx?

              Perhaps one solution could be to put a compressor in front of the H9

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