H9 And Iphone SE

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    • #115419


        I bought my h9 some months ago, and I just wanted to report that I have had many problems trying to use the control app using my iphone SE. I know its no problem with the H9 as I have tested it with other devices. Seems to be something wrong with the bluetooth on this phone. I have been through many troubleshooting procedures none of which worked. So my advice would be avoid this phone if you are an H9 user, thanks

      • #152278
        Eventide Staff
          Roryrytm wrote:

          I bought my h9 some months ago, and I just wanted to report that I have had many problems trying to use the control app using my iphone SE. I know its no problem with the H9 as I have tested it with other devices. Seems to be something wrong with the bluetooth on this phone. I have been through many troubleshooting procedures none of which worked. So my advice would be avoid this phone if you are an H9 user, thanks

          We have tested H9 Control with iPhone SE many times and it works fine. What's the iOS version on your SE? Can your SE connect to other Bluetooth devices?

        • #152279

            ios version 12.3.1

            Just testing the SE with a bluetooth speaker and its working

            • #152284
              Eventide Staff
                Roryrytm wrote:

                ios version 12.3.1

                Just testing the SE with a bluetooth speaker and its working

                When you tyr connecting to your H9 in the Bluetooth settings page on your phone, what does it say? Can you take some screenshots while doing this?

            • #152285

                i can connect just fine, what then happens is the device becomes unresponsive when i change preset. Sometimes it works for a little while before becomming unresponsive.

                • #152291
                  Eventide Staff
                    Roryrytm wrote:

                    i can connect just fine, what then happens is the device becomes unresponsive when i change preset. Sometimes it works for a little while before becomming unresponsive.

                    In H9 Control there is a sync button at the top of the screen. Sometimes the H9 is connected but not synced. You may try toggling that button and see if that works.

                • #152296

                    I think I have discovered the real problem. Its not the phone, or the h9 but rather it’s some compatibility problem between the h9 and octatrack that I use to sequence and send midi clock to all my devices. I know this because I have reproduced the problem using a brand new h9 with a different iOS device, the only constant being the octatrack.

                    Is there anything I can try?

                    • #152305
                      Eventide Staff
                        Roryrytm wrote:
                        I think I have discovered the real problem. Its not the phone, or the h9 but rather it’s some compatibility problem between the h9 and octatrack that I use to sequence and send midi clock to all my devices. I know this because I have reproduced the problem using a brand new h9 with a different iOS device, the only constant being the octatrack. Is there anything I can try?

                        H9 Control won't work if you connect some MIDI device or PC/Mac to your H9 through USB.

                        If you are using the 5-pin MIDI cable, first check if your octatrack sends some other MIDI messages rather than MIDI Clock. You may also try enabling the MIDI Clock Filter in the system setting menu or setting it in H9 Control.

                        From the user manual:

                        [CLK.FLT] – MIDI Clock Filter Enable (ON, OFF)

                        Press the HOTKNOB button to select. Turn the Knob to set MIDI Clock Filtering ON or OFF. If

                        ON, H9 can be used with an unstable MIDI Clock source, but will be slower and less precise

                        at tracking clock speed changes.

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