H9 App Algorithm/Presets “Info” broken?

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    • #156669

        I’ve confirmed that this issue does not exist on the iOS/Apple version of the H9 control app.

      • #116288

          On my H9 Control App (v 3.7.3): Just noticed that whenever I hit the “Info” button for any algorithm or preset I get an error saying the “webpage not available”. Attached is a screenshot. I am using Android Phone (Pie 9.0) and an older Tablet running Marshmallow (6.0). Both of them give the same error. I checked the Android permissions of the H9 Control app and I am allowing both location and storage access. 

          I apologize if this was posted earlier, but I could not seem to find this problem mentioned anywhere. Am I the only one?

          This happens regardless if I am really connected to my H9 or even if I am offline. I am have (2) H9s that I am connected to over Bluetooth. Everything else works just fine (stompboxes control perfectly), only the “Info” feature seems busted.

          Also just saw that if you go to settings->help->app manual, that seems busted too. 

        • #156819
          Eventide Staff

            We'll let you know when we fix it.

          • #157124

              Hi Eventide,

              Just wanted to check if this issue will be fixed within a month, or longer? Not having the this feature really cripples the usability of the H9 app and forces the user to have another device with the manual open. Thanks…

            • #157336
              Eventide Staff

                Hi rxb216, please try this version and it should work now. Android APK: https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=shaFg2bOgefOYg0VfYJ85H6I6sGuUbT6

                Let me know.

              • #157340

                  Hi Eventide, I have tried the new APK in demo mode and this update seems to have fixed the problem, offline help is also fixed. I’ll try live with my H9s connected later and will report back if I have issues, but I am sure all is well now. Thanks very much for fixing this for Android users!

                • #157343
                  Eventide Staff

                    You're welcome! Let me know if you find more issues.

                  • #157136
                    Eventide Staff
                      rxb216 wrote:

                      Hi Eventide,

                      Just wanted to check if this issue will be fixed within a month, or longer? Not having the this feature really cripples the usability of the H9 app and forces the user to have another device with the manual open. Thanks…

                      Hi, this issue can be fixed. The problem is that we have some other issues with Google Play so we cannot release a new build until we fix some other issues. Sorry for your inconvenience. Please refer to the algorithm guide pdf for now:


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