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July 15, 2015 at 12:47 pm #112686
MemberHello everybody,
I considered to update my H9 to the recent OS and started the process via iPhone and BT. During the first stage (clearing the H9 memory) I had the impression that my H9 got stuck, it seemed to take ages and I tried to cancel the process via the iPhone. As nothing happened at all, I disconnected it from the power to reboot it. After rebooting, the BT connection was erroneous and I switched to USB via my Mac, which didn’t work out too. Only via MIDI I had success updating the OS update without a hitch. So the H9 is at 5.1.2 (I think) but I persistently get
“Communication error”
An error occurred while communicating with the H9 device <H9-07288>.
The stomp box is not responding. Please verify that it is still connected. (Error code sm_response_timeout)”
which effectively bricks the H9, I can’t even try any new algorithm with it because of this error coming up before I get a chance to select and listen to their presets. I’ve read about H9 boxes with BT modules becoming defective, but my H9 was working just fine for many hours before I went about the brilliant idea of updating it.
Is there a chance of fixing this without returning the H9?
Regards, Pat
PS: Trying to upload a screenshot as PNG returns this error msg in my browser (Safari 7.1.6):
An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally.Debugging information follows.Path: /file/ajax/field_attachment/und/0/form-2eltAcBvmo52D37V6sjWd2GbslJk7-Etl9-quXoxc_gStatusText: n/aResponseText:Skip to main contentWebsite FeedbackStoreDealersMy accountLog outSearch formSearchAbout UsNewsBlogsStoreDealersContactLog outJobsHistoryLiveStudioBroadcastPlug-insCommunityForumArtist GalleryVideosSupportDownloadsFAQLiveH9H9 ControlMixingLinkSpaceTimeFactorPitchFactorModFactorPowerFactor 2StudioMixingLinkDDL-500Reverb 2016EclipseH8000FWH7600H9BroadcastBD600WBD600BD600EBD960MixingLinkPlug-insH3000 FactoryUltraReverbUltraChannelBlackhole2016 Stereo RoomOmnipressorRequest Plug-in DemoCommunityArtist GalleryForumsTestimonialsVideosSupportContact UsDownloadsFAQForumsDiscontinued ProductsBlogsYou are hereHome ForumActive topicsUnanswered topicsNew & updated topicsWarning messageTo post your message, please select one of the forums below, then click “New topic.”Products –>ForumTopicsPostsLast postNew posts–>Plug-InsSupport for Eventide plug-ins.337152115 newEventide Rack…by fennecprod2015-07-12 14:25New posts–>RackmountSupport for the Eclipse, Reverb 2016, H8000FW, H8000, H7600, Orville, DSP7000/7500, DSP4000/4500/DSP4000B+ Harmonizers.16544 new808016 newCalibration of VP…by mad6stringer2015-07-11 22:32New posts–>StompboxesSupport for Pitchfactor, TimeFactor, ModFactor, Space, H9, and Mixing Link340651 new17822347 newH9 CrushStation -…by jnorris6 hours 14 min agoNew posts–>Vsig and Preset DevelopmentSupport for Vsig and the development of Harmonizer Presets using Vsig1211 new5354 newcrossfadeby rptravis2015-07-06 03:23No new–>500 SeriesSupport forum for DDL-50000n/aAdministravia –>ForumTopicsPostsLast postNo new–>Forum Rules of the Road11Attachments and…by admin2015-04-15 13:02New posts–>Website DiscussionFeature announcements and a place where you can let us know what you’d like to see in the future.21 new21 newForum View Count…by admin2015-07-06 15:12– Forum Tools -View active forum postsView unanswered forum postsView new forum postsMark all forums readNew postsNo new posts–>Forum DecorumThese Forums are a place to share all things Eventide. It is provided as a free service to our community and many of our staff read and respond to posts to lend a hand.To post or reply you need to have an active account. Posts that are inappropriate will be deleted and continued behavior may result in account suspension or deletion.Top of pageCompanyAbout UsDiscontinued ProductsEventide CommunicationsHistoryJobsNewsTerms & ConditionsCommunityArtist GalleryForumsVideosSupportContactDownloadsFAQStoreStoreDealer LocatorNewsletter SignupEmail Address *Copyright © 2015 Eventide. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.ReadyState: undefined -
July 15, 2015 at 2:36 pm #139709
I suspect you may have multiple issues here. There is a strong possibility that your H9 has a Bluetooth problem – it would be helpful if you could borrow another iPad to see if it is different. If not, contact support@eventide.com.
You may also have some other local computer problems.
July 15, 2015 at 5:54 pm #139722
ParticipantThe Ajax issue was likely a timeout accessing our server. I apologize for the problem, but it looks like you were able to eventually upload the image.
July 15, 2015 at 7:58 pm #139724
MemberI also recv the same error. I tried two OS devices and unistalled and reload the H9 Control app. No luck. The H9 just freezes up with ERASE on the screen.
July 15, 2015 at 8:57 pm #139728
MemberNick, I can replicate this issue with another iPad (the problem first occurred with my iPhone). And I did a factory reset, after updating my H9 to again via USB. I can see no difference, just selecting presets evokes bespoke error.
July 15, 2015 at 9:22 pm #139729
My guess is that Mr.raddatz problem is a Bluetooth fault on the H9. We've had some with bad soldering on the BT chips, which can give internittent results.
Mr.smdouris probably has an entirely different problem, being an issue with the flash memory used to store the programs.
But, in both cases, they probably have to come home. Sorry. support@eventide.com
July 16, 2015 at 1:10 am #139738
MemberI had to resort to windows and a USB cable to get the update working, but it did the trick!
July 16, 2015 at 4:11 am #139740
ParticipantJust posted this over at thegearpage.net
Ok, first off I am an eventide fan, I’ve owned a bunch of the pedals and currently have the Space and the H9 core.But this H9 update is testing my patience – really frustrated by the whole experience today.Here’s the sequence of events and my failure points. YMMV.1. New algo announced – crushstation. Sounds cool! Rush home to download, naively assuming it would just appear as a new algo among all H9 algos on the Control app. WRONG.2. Find out I have to (a) update H9 control app on **all devices** (I have an iPhone, an iPad, and a mac with h9 control), and then (b) update firmware on H9 pedal. WOW.3. So I download the new control app for the laptop (not from app store, btw). H9 control app is not an “official” mac app – you download from direct link on eventide.com. So after downloading .dmg, it won’t open because the app isn’t from a recognized/registered developer (!). WTF Eventide?! (Workaround: if you hold down the mac control key and click on the app, the secondary menu appears and allows you to open the app.) So, control app installed on mac – but how many people failed at this step?4. Go to iPhone to update Control app. Seemed to go ok. Opened the app, connected to device. So far so good (for now, I will set aside the fact that the iPhone app in no way is designed as a native app, the UI does not conform to iOS UI standards, menus, interactions, etc. WTF eventide?! It just comes off as shoddy engineering IMHO).5. Try to update firmware on H9 from iphone. Get error message. (screen cap: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kkbh93kasamacp7/H9_error.png?dl=0)6. Try cycling the power on device, and cycle off/on bluetooth on iPhone. Same error message. Device hangs with message “ERASE” on screen. SCARY.7. Switch to mac laptop. Cycle power on H9, and try and connect via bluetooth. The app hangs when I click “connect via bluetooth” and device is unresponsive.***I hope others have a better experience.Signed,Disappointed eventide customer.-
July 17, 2015 at 4:42 pm #139776
Participantfjurden wrote:3. So I download the new control app for the laptop (not from app store, btw). H9 control app is not an “official” mac app – you download from direct link on eventide.com. So after downloading .dmg, it won’t open because the app isn’t from a recognized/registered developer (!). WTF Eventide?! (Workaround: if you hold down the mac control key and click on the app, the secondary menu appears and allows you to open the app.) So, control app installed on mac – but how many people failed at this step?You can also go to System Preference -> Security & Privacy -> General -> “Allow apps downloaded from” and change that from “Mac App Store” to “Anywhere”. This will permanently remove that restriction, but opens you to needing to understand what you’re installing instead of letting the OS police it for you.
July 16, 2015 at 3:23 pm #139752
ParticipantH9 control app is not an "official" mac app – you download from direct link on eventide.com.
We can’t put H9 Control in the AppStore with its PayPal integration; Apple won’t allow it. And we need to support Windows as well. So, we chose to integrate the desktop builds with PayPal instead of Apple’s payment solution.
So after downloading .dmg, it won’t open because the app isn’t from a recognized/registered developer
H9 Control is signed, but you will see that message on some versions of OSX, mainly 10.9.5. The underlying reason is that Apple changed their signing framework, Gatekeeper. It’s not worth going into the details of the problems that caused us and others.
the iPhone app in no way is designed as a native app, the UI does not conform to iOS UI standards, menus, interactions
It’s not a “native” iOS app. We needed to support Windows as well, and the iPhone app is built off the same shared code base as the desktop versions.
Try to update firmware on H9 from iphone. Get error message.
Alright, please send an email to support@eventide.com mentioning you’re having problems updating your H9. We will likely need you to try updating via USB. In your email please include the following information. What sort of computer(s) do you have access to for updating with what OS version(s)? And when you power your H9 on does the display light up immediately or is there a 10 second delay until the display lights up?
July 16, 2015 at 9:39 pm #139764
MemberThought so too that this is a problem on a hardware level. I’m now in contact with a support team member and will send it in. Though I’d prefer to have it swapped at my local dealer. This has happened amidst arranging new tracks, forcing a studio time out. Murphy’s Law 😀 don’t mess with Firmware updates during studio uptime.
Thanks for answering!
July 20, 2015 at 5:09 pm #139823
Participantthanks for feedback everyone – got the firmware updated using usb (not bluetooth).
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