H9 bundle activation issue

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    • #116217

      Firstly, thank you SO MUCH for the free H9 bundle!

      I have 4 H9’s and I can’t express how great they are IMO.

      Well,,,I downloaded and installed both the bundle and the iLok License manager, but a problem has appeared that either I’m just too new at this OR I’m just missing the boat regarding activation their procedures to be able to rectify…

      After following all prompts, etc., to get everything as nature intended, I started up my DAW (Reaper) and got a notification for each individual plugin that it requires activation. No sweat, except for the fact that the iLok app doesn’t even recognize the presence of any of them. I dug and dug to find any info to get everything in order but failed. Reaper itself does see each plugin, at least, but I’m afraid I have to bother you fine folks for advice about how to get it all completed.


      Again, thanks very much for the wonderful gift.


    • #156404
      Eventide Staff

        Inside of the iLok license manager, did you drag the license from the master list to the computer you’re using? It seems as though that assignment has not been made and thus, could be causing Resper not to authorize them.

      • #156408

        Thanks for replying so soon.

        To answer your question, my problem is that it doesn’t appear in the iLok app at all.

        Also, I need to correct myself from earlier: Reaper does NOT see them. The algorithms do show up in my program files, however.

        Thanks again.

      • #156413

        I clicked the link that you posted and I remembered trying that a few hours ago to try again from scratch and it notified that I’d already claimed my bundle.

        This last time, oddly enough, it said that it was for Max owners only. All 4 of mine, including my inital Max, are already registered. The plot thickens. lol

        (Sorry to put you through all of this so early in the morning.)

      • #156415

        update: I did just now find a mistaken entry on the license claim page.

        I fixed that and the “claim your license” button showed up.

        Now if I can get the page to stop timing out, hopefully, all will be well.

      • #156416
        Eventide Staff

          If the Bundle license is not appearing on your account, I recommend you contact support@eventide.com and let them know you are a Max owner that has tried to claim this bundle. Mention that the website is showing it has been claimed, though no license has been deposited. Provide them with your iLok User ID.

        • #156417

          update #2: I now see the bundle in the iLok manager’s master list and I activated it.

          However, now it won’t allow me to drag and drop it to the computer.


        • #156418

          Final update: Upon starting Reaper, I saw the algorithms load with no prompt to activate so it appears that all’s good on Eventide’s end. 

          Thanks very much for your patience through this operator error festival.


          Happy Thanksgiving!

        • #156411
          Eventide Staff
            tubwompus wrote:
            To answer your question, my problem is that it doesn’t appear in the iLok app at all.

            It sounds like the licenses have not been deposited into your account. Did you click on “ H9 Max Owner: Claim Your FREE H9 Plug-in Series Bundle License” on the announcement page? Did you enter your iLok User ID in that field?


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