H9 bundle and mod wheel

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    • #186493

        Directions say the ribbon should respond to mod wheel CC1.  None of the programs do.

        Fairly new keyboard – mod wheel works fine.  No midi is being blocked in Cubase.

        All my other vsti’s and fx that can respond to the mod wheel do, but Eventide stuff doesn’t.

        I’ve even tried reloading the programs.  I don’t see any place to turn on mod wheel response for the plugins.

        There is no midi learn for any of them either (right click, move a slider/knob, etc).

        Is this common, or maybe something unique to my system.

      • #186503

          Well, I’m still brand new to it, but it looks like everything can be automated in Cubase.

          Still, it would be nice to be able to use the mod wheel, when you’re just playing and not recording stuff.

          Automating CC1 doesn’t work for it either.  You have to specify which parameter by name.

          To change a bunch of stuff at once, I can automate the ribbon, so that’s pretty cool.

          I still hope they can do something about getting the mod wheel to work on its own though.

        • #186513
          Eventide Staff


            Sorry to hear you’re having trouble. It sounds like you are using an instrument track with an H9 plug-in as an insert, correct? Unfortunately, it seems that incoming MIDI information is routed only to the instrument slot on an instrument track, and not downstream to the plug-in inserts.

            I have found that an easy work-around for now would be to create a separate MIDI track, route that track to the H9 plug-in instance, and record/monitor enable both tracks.

            Let me know if this helps.

          • #186514

              Thanks for responding.  I tried that, and yes it works.

              I select the output of the midi track to be the Eventide plugin side chain, enable write and record on both, and the mod wheel will control the ribbon.

              The manuals make it sound a lot more straight forward than that, so it threw me for a loop.

              Hard to believe you haven’t gotten a lot of people asking about it, but I guess that either most people don’t read the manuals, or decide they aren’t going to use it that way.

              Anyways – thanks again for helping to preserve my sanity.

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