H9 bypass mode

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    • #113348

        Hello all,


        Is there a way to make my H9 Max be on bypass as the default rather than active?  I have set it up to use Continuous Control messages to do this.

        For instance….I run a triaxis to a TC G major 2 and then the H9 and out to the power amp.  All switching is done by way of a Vodoo Labs Ground Control Pro.  I want to be able to go from on preset to another and have the H9 be on bypass all the time until I kick it on with my foot. regardless of preset switching.  Currently when I step it into bypass mode and then change the preset on the GCP it changes to the correct algo but always comes on as ACTIVE and sometimes that is a bad thing.  trying to go from a chorus/clean to a dry dirty doesnt work to good when the H9 brings in the harmonizer patch(which I will need for a later solo) but dont need to play the dry dirty rythym parts………

        OR better yet, is there a way to progam it so that it is ACTIVE in one present and when I switch to another it is in BYPASS…until I need to kick it on?

        I also have tried to store it so that the GCP can toggle it between ACTIVE and BYPASS and I sorta works but sometimes I have to step on the button twice to get it to bypass and twice again to get it to come back to active….My TC unit never has this issue

      • #142918
        jaybic1 wrote:

        Hello all,


        Is there a way to make my H9 Max be on bypass as the default rather than active?  I have set it up to use Continuous Control messages to do this.

        For instance….I run a triaxis to a TC G major 2 and then the H9 and out to the power amp.  All switching is done by way of a Vodoo Labs Ground Control Pro.  I want to be able to go from on preset to another and have the H9 be on bypass all the time until I kick it on with my foot. regardless of preset switching.  Currently when I step it into bypass mode and then change the preset on the GCP it changes to the correct algo but always comes on as ACTIVE and sometimes that is a bad thing.  trying to go from a chorus/clean to a dry dirty doesnt work to good when the H9 brings in the harmonizer patch(which I will need for a later solo) but dont need to play the dry dirty rythym parts………

        OR better yet, is there a way to progam it so that it is ACTIVE in one present and when I switch to another it is in BYPASS…until I need to kick it on?

        I also have tried to store it so that the GCP can toggle it between ACTIVE and BYPASS and I sorta works but sometimes I have to step on the button twice to get it to bypass and twice again to get it to come back to active….My TC unit never has this issue

        Whatever state you save the preset in on the h9 is how it will be recalled.  Bypass the preset and then save the preset and it will be recalled bypassed. 

      • #142920

          Thanks so much for the response,

          I knew there had to be a way…I guess this is kinda obvious and I apparently completely overlooked it.  

          Thanks again and have a great day!




        • #142923
          Eventide Staff

            Be aware that it can only be loaded bypassed from a MIDI Program Change, not from the foot switch.


          • #142930

              I am not sure I understand…sorry….not super clever with this MIDI stuff…..As I understand it, if  I go back and bypass the presets I want to come on as bypassed and save them, thats how they will come up as(bypassed) when I call them up using my GCP.  Is that correct?  I essentially want to never have to touch the H9 other that to kick it from bypass to active while in a given preset…all switching of presets will hopefully occur using the GCP.  I hope I am on the right track.

              As far as why it takes  two button pushes on the GCP to get it to go from active to bypass or vice versa, could that be because I am using a CC value of 118 rather than 127(full value)?  I can switch my TC unit to bypass mode with just a touch of the #2 button on the GCP and it works.  I have #1 assigned to bypass the H9 and transmitting on CC118 but sometimes(not always but most of the time I guess) I have to hit the button twice to get it to bypass and twice to get it back to active…



              Thanks again for the help,



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