H9 Control app won’t load

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    • #111571

      Hey, I've got a Mac laptop 10.5.8 and I can't load the H9 Control app. My H9 should be here in a day or two and I wanted to be ready for it.  any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    • #125794

        Alright, we managed to dig up a machine running 10.5.8, and H9 Control isn't running on the machine.  We're going to need a bit more time to look into the problem.

      • #125803

        Great I received my H9 today, looking forward to running  the control app. Thanks

      • #136550

          We posted new installers to of H9 Control here:


          The Mac version of H9 Control should work on OS 10.5.  Let us know if you have any problems though…

          Incidentally, it's getting harder and harder to support OS 10.5, because Apple keeps forcing us to upgrade to their latest development tools for iOS, which forces us to make other changes.  We're going to support 10.5 as long as we can, but at some point that will become impossible.

        • #136551

          Thanks, I'll give this a try and let you know. Looks like I'll have a good excuse to get a ipad soon!! 

        • #136564

          Hey, The new H9 control works great!! Thanks for your quick response and solution. 

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