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January 15, 2017 at 3:16 pm #114633
MemberI suppose this is never going to happen? I bought an H9 and maxed it out, blindly believing the propaganda that “the Android app will be available soon”. Well, soon has now dragged into years, and I find this both disappointing and misleading.
January 15, 2017 at 7:46 pm #145462
I'm sorry that you are unhappy, but I don't think we have ever said that "the Android app will be available soon". If I am mistaken, please show me where this has been said.
What we have said is that we would like one, but there are many reasons why it is difficult, and for this reason we have never promised it..
January 16, 2017 at 3:36 pm #145468
MemberWell, sorry I didn’t make a screen capture of the web page from three years ago. I didn’t realize i needed to make a court case out of it. It just kinda sucks that I have a $700 pedal, and I have to lug around a PC or an Ipad to use it, when it would be
I find it a bit difficult to believe that Eventide can’t do this, given the level of software development you seem to be capable of. I’m sure it is more of a question of not wanting to invest the necessary resources to develop this.
February 21, 2017 at 11:38 am #145795
ParticipantSorry to semi necro this thread, but I do a search for an android h9 a every couple months in hopes that one is finally available.
At one point in time the manual did state that an android app was planned. It actually said it on page 2 while talking about h9 control. Last line of the paragraph states ” A version of h9 control for your Mac/PC and for Android devices is planned.” This line appears to be removed from the current manual I downloaded which made me find my original. If you’d like, I can take a picture and upload it.
As the op stated it was one of the reasons I bought mine several years ago before the max and core were available and am still somewhat disappointed I can only use my pc at the moment to configure.
February 28, 2017 at 4:59 pm #145822
ParticipantI too am quite disappointed that there is not an Android app after all this time.
The idea that you need an external device to configure presets is wrong. Everything worth doing can be done from the pedal, it’s just in some cases harder to remember how to get there/how to do it.
February 28, 2017 at 7:11 pm #145825
ParticipantYou are correct and I am aware the pedal can be configured using the onboard buttons. Perhaps I should have stated it’s much harder than just using the h9 app. I’m not a big fan of the button setup and personally would rather not use them.
However, as far as I’m aware I cannot adjust my midi functions using just the pedal. I’m not sure how to set limits on my expression pedal without the app either. Another annoyance, which made me get a Bluetooth adapter for my pc, is the fact I cannot use my midi pedal while having it connected to my pc using usb.
That being said, I enjoy the pedal and all the cool effects I can get out of it. Being able to adjust it from my Android tablet would make it perfect in my book.
February 28, 2017 at 9:33 pm #145827
ParticipantI should clarify.
Certainly, there are things that the app does that are inconvenient, or perhaps impossible, to do from the pedal, like detailed MIDI mapping, organizing preset lists, etc. But I think the basic things you would want to do live—tweaking and saving presets, even adjusting the expression pedal—are quite doable from the pedal. I don’t mind the XYZ/big button system, others may disagree.
My point was that I frequently hear people say they must have/bring a laptop/iOS device to even use the pedal, and I don’t think that’s true. I never use the app live, only at home for adjustments. Given that, I find it hard to believe that there are that many people who only use Android/Linux devices—no PC/Mac laptop, iPad, etc. Unless that is the case, then one could use the app at home and use the pedal interface live. Again, I realize it may not be as convenient, but it should be reasonably functional.
Just my $0.02.
February 28, 2017 at 10:31 pm #145833
ParticipantI understand what you are saying and I already said you were correct that the app is not absolutely necessary for tweaking. What I said was I personally am not a fan of the button setup and would prefer there was an app I could use on my phone or tablet. You and many other people could be perfectly happy with that setup, and that’s fine, I’m not trying to debate you on it.
The original reason I replied to this comment was the fact that the original manual stated there was going to be an android app, and now the manual no longer has that line. I’d like to know if it is actually going to happen or if it isn’t. At least then I’ll know I should stop looking.
March 1, 2017 at 10:27 pm #145845
ParticipantRongok wrote:I understand what you are saying and I already said you were correct that the app is not absolutely necessary for tweaking. What I said was I personally am not a fan of the button setup and would prefer there was an app I could use on my phone or tablet. You and many other people could be perfectly happy with that setup, and that’s fine, I’m not trying to debate you on it. The original reason I replied to this comment was the fact that the original manual stated there was going to be an android app, and now the manual no longer has that line. I’d like to know if it is actually going to happen or if it isn’t. At least then I’ll know I should stop looking.Fair enough, I wasn’t trying to debate either. Maybe my response was more directed at a strawman or other people I’ve heard than you. I think we understand each other’s position even if we have some differences.
Here’s to an Android app, though! I would love to have it. I’m an iPad but Android phone guy.
March 1, 2017 at 6:46 pm #145842
ParticipantHello I was looking for another answer and this topic jumped out at me. After being bowled over by the sonic adventures of Vai & Satriani in my youth, any version of an H3000 was a distant dream. Many moons later when the factor units emerged I was incredibly excited and rushed to my local music store to try them out. Although still amazing I didn’t find them that user friendly and quickly realized that they needed some dedicated time to fully receive the benfits within….Especially the Harmonizer.
Then the GOB SMACKING, THUNDER PUNCHING, AWE INSPIRING H9 landed!!! ….and I finally managed to save up for one.
It is just simply incredible! The Quality & Variety are second to none.
I have to say that one of the deciding factors for me to bite the bullet has been this excellent website. The way the algorithms are laid out to be viewed and demoed has been the main selling point. This has masterfully been evolved with H9 Control. The day I got mine and hooked it up to windows….hours went by with the multitude of possibilities. So much fun moving between sounds and patches my only regret had been of not buying one sooner. I teach over 100 students a week aswell as gig and have been showing it off at any opportunity always to a jaw dropping reception. All I ask is would it be too much for a little extra effort in pushing for the ANDROID Version of H9 Control as in my tiny circle of muso mates 99% don’t do Apple!
Thank you in advance….and for this gem of a pedal.
March 2, 2017 at 2:30 pm #145852
July 7, 2017 at 12:08 pm #146754
Participant -
July 7, 2017 at 3:42 pm #146758
MemberKODII wrote:Caller9 wrote:Not everyone likes or uses Apple! Androids are people too!
Hehe! Perzactly! And an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which is contrary to my health and well-being!
September 25, 2017 at 1:57 am #147219
Membercaller9 wrote:I second your request! There can be NO VALID REASON for your company’s REFUSAL to develop an Android app for the H9. If you won’the develop the app, then why not offer REFUNDS to the many of us who’be been screwed over by this asinine corporate decision?!?!?
I’m putting in my request/support for Android. Lot of them out there. Not everyone likes or uses Apple! Androids are people too!
March 25, 2017 at 3:21 am #145981
ParticipantNot complaining, but chiming in to say I’d like an Andoid version, too!
After years of iPhone, just picked up a Google Pixel. Not having the H9 Control app so far is the only glaring negative in making the switch.
Thankfully, I still have an iPad and a MacBook. But it’s great to have the H9 Control always with me.
– Joe
June 21, 2017 at 12:36 am #146657
ParticipantI get the programming challanges, but , it is overdue..Would be great to have on my Note 5
June 21, 2017 at 9:55 am #146661
MemberJust to point out that there are still people interested, I just bought a space (yeey!) instead of an H9, mostly because there’s no andriod app. I’m not going to be carrying my laptop around all the time (which runs linux btw) and when you add the price of an ipad to that of the H9, the space seemed like a much better option, as I’ll mostly be using reverbs anyway.
I’m not trying to complain, but it’s such a shame that there’s still no andriod app.
June 21, 2017 at 3:14 pm #146664
ParticipantI think that what this thread has really told me is that Eventide needs to do a better job marketing that you really don’t need the app to use the H9.
June 23, 2017 at 10:11 pm #146690
Bull Earwig
MemberAs someone who started with h9 Control app and has only briefly tried to use the controls, you would have to tear the app out of my cold dead fingers.
The app means you get a wonderfully rich, fun editing experience. Experimentation being easier, gets done more.
BTW, I am a PC guy, a diehard Windows software developer and a EE who never owned any apple products. I bought an iPad because my amp (Hughes & Kettner Grandmeister) has an awesome iPad app.
Interestingly, a very talented software developer made a Windows version of the app. It’s actually superior, IMHO, to the one that Hughes & Kettner gives you free when you buy one of their $200 Wifi hotspots.
Eventide Engineering: if you are looking for an independent software developer who has a track record of taking an iPad app for a product like yours and making an excellent PC version of it, I suggest you visit:
and ask for “fredo.”
July 4, 2017 at 8:52 am #146746
MemberI can understand not wanting to invest the resources to support a platform that isn’t in widespread use, but 99.5% of all phones shipped today run either Android or IOS, and of those two, 81.7% run Android and 17.9% run IOS. That’s not a small disparity by any stretch of the imagination, and we’re talking about 432 million units (not counting tablets and desktops) in the last quarter alone. I don’t want to call IOS trivial or insignificant because it certainly is not, but Android users outnumber IOS users by 4:1. That’s huge. Yet, you support IOS while the vast majority of the market is using Android. I don’t understand. What’s even more strange is that Android development tools are largely open-source, as is the OS itself, and will run on the common hardware platforms you use to develop code for IOS/Windows, which means there’s not even a financial investment that needs to be made like there is for IOS and Windows development.
For the level of complexity of Eventide’s devices, the obvious talent in the organization, and the price you charge for the gear, one would almost have to assume the most popular hardware/software platforms extant among users would be supported, and yet it’s not. Nobody’s asking for unwritten features. Clearly, the code’s been written since it exists for IOS. So, if nothing else, you could hire some contractors for a few months and just port what you’ve already written.
Is there any plausible answer for why it hasn’t? It’s ok if you wanna admit Apple is writing drivers for you free of charge – lord knows they and Microsoft have been doing that for years for other hardware manufacturers – and you don’t want to invest the time/money in writing your own stuff. But, at least tell us that, instead of pretending there’s some sort of insurmountable obstacle involved with using the most transparent OS in the world where they’ll even give you the source code and development tools for it for free.
July 7, 2017 at 9:37 am #146753
ParticipantI’d bet it’s the bluetooth, not the actual andoids.
September 18, 2017 at 7:55 am #147173
MemberFor the few interested, I managed to get H9 control working on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04), through playonlinux. It took some trail and error, but it’s not too hard (took me, a novice linux user, about 15 minutes). Nice app!
An android version would still be nice though 😉
September 19, 2017 at 1:43 am #147178
ParticipantHuh. Wired by usb? Or Bluetooth?
September 19, 2017 at 12:42 pm #147180
MemberI’ve got an eventide space, so USB is the only option for me. I can’t see why bluetooth wouldn’t work though (haven’t noticed any problems with the app at all, so far).
September 26, 2017 at 2:22 pm #147244
ParticipantWhen was it ever said that an Android app would be coming soon? Did you not do your due diligence and study the options for this amazing piece of gear when you purchased it? IF you knew it was an iOs device only when you purchased it, who is to blame? You bought an aamazing, game-changing piece of gear, and now you are upset because it hasn’t sprouted the color wings you wanted? Get a grip! My Max has chnaged the entire game for me. I bought an Ipad, (I guess this is a novel concept). I now carry two amps and a mixer, all to support what this amazing little box does, The world doesn’t owe you anything, and neither does Eventide. Grow up already!
September 26, 2017 at 3:01 pm #147250
Participantstrayhorse45 wrote:When was it ever said that an Android app would be coming soon? Did you not do your due diligence and study the options for this amazing piece of gear when you purchased it? IF you knew it was an iOs device only when you purchased it, who is to blame? You bought an aamazing, game-changing piece of gear, and now you are upset because it hasn’t sprouted the color wings you wanted? Get a grip! My Max has chnaged the entire game for me. I bought an Ipad, (I guess this is a novel concept). I now carry two amps and a mixer, all to support what this amazing little box does, The world doesn’t owe you anything, and neither does Eventide. Grow up already!
As I said in my comment on this thread a while ago, it said it on page 2 of the orginal manual.
September 26, 2017 at 3:20 pm #147253
ParticipantHit submit by mistake.
As for my due diligence, every website I looked up regarding the pedal mentioned an android app being planned, probably due to Eventide themselves saying so. As far as I can tell, this is no longer in the manual so I won’t be holding my breath that this will happen. Being as I was a very early adopter, the max and core hadn’t even been released, I suppose I can chaulk this up to me being optimistic.
As for telling everyone else to do their due diligence, perhaps you could have done yours and actually read the comments in this thread alone and found your answer.
January 4, 2018 at 12:16 am #148033
MemberSo eventide is just going to continue to ignore support for the operating system that makes up over 80% of the mobile device market? Every aspect of their products gives me the distinct impression that they want to be known as a company that is aggresively unfriendly to its customers.
January 5, 2018 at 4:14 am #148040
Participantplease. They are super friendly.
I hear you–I hate apple stuff as much as anyone. But gave up on android support and bought an old Ipad Mini just for the h9. It works awesome.
Because for real.. I doubt that it is a problem of will, but a problem of actual technical possibility. The H9 uses an Apple bluetooth chip.. and is only VERY OCCASIONALLY reliable on my full-blooded Windows Machine.. even with a very specific bluetooth adapter. Heck.. its getting sketchy even with brand new Macs, from what I read.
There is just no way (not to diss their programming skills!) that Eventide could possibly make it work for the range of random bluetooth adapters used on the 1Million android devices out there. They probably don’t want to come out and say it… but I think it can’t be done, reliably.
Should they try, maybe just for Nexus and Pixel devices? I wish. But I stopped waiting, and you should too. Like any technical limitation.. you gotta move on. If your amp didn’t have great reverb… you either get a new amp or add some gear, right? This pedal doesn’t have that feature. Either get new gear.. or work around the limitations it has.
Sorry for the rant… but the discussion is stale. 😉
January 9, 2018 at 7:07 pm #148061
ParticipantEventide would like to invite everyone to join our private beta test of H9 Control on Android!We have been working on an Android version of H9 Control for some time. The app is now working well on Android on the devices we have tested on, although we have not yet implemented in app purchasing of algorithms or the XY pad in the Preset screen for Android.H9 Control is supported on Android 6 (Marshmallow) and above. We have been testing so far on the following devices: Samsung Galaxy S8, OnePlus5, Oneplus 3t, Huawei Honor 6x, Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 and Lenovo Tab4 10. We would love to get feedback on how the app is performing on other Android devices.To be invited to our private beta test, you will need a Gmail account. (That's required by the Google Play store.) Please go to this webform to sign up for the beta:
March 5, 2018 at 6:08 pm #148579
ParticipantEventide has now officially released the H9 Control for Android app to the Google Play store:
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