H9 Control is very slow changing patches & banks after updates

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    • #111674

        Got iOS 7 on iPad, new H9 firmware & new H9 Control app & now it takes FOUR SECONDS to change patches or banks – old version took less than a second  … Any fixes or idea what I did wrong?

      • #126057

          I heard this from another user experiencing this problem yesterday.  What generation of iPad are you using?  Does it help to completely power off your iPad by long pressing the power button on the upper right hand corner of the device and power it back on?

          We haven't seen this problem ourselves, and there weren't any changes to the app itself that would have caused it to run slower.

        • #126058

            I have iPad v4 & I will try the long power cycle & see if that helps (when I get home).  I am new to apple and all this high tech & I love having the H9 control at my fingertips & have been jumping banks & patches in some songs but it is too slow to do that now & I was wondering if I botched the upgrades…

          • #126060

              I have the same issue here. iPad 4 and H9 Control is extremely slow. Almost impossible to use. 

              I figured out it gets slower the longer you are connected

            • #126061


                I have the same issue here. iPad 4 and H9 Control is extremely slow. Almost impossible to use. 

                I figured out it gets slower the longer you are connected

                Have you tried long pressing the power button to completely shutdown and restart your iPad?

              • #126077


                  Got iOS 7 on iPad, new H9 firmware & new H9 Control app & now it takes FOUR SECONDS to change patches or banks – old version took less than a second  … Any fixes or idea what I did wrong?

                  Is H9 Control still slow for you on your iPad, or did the suggestions we made fix the problem?

                • #136798

                    H9 Control works much better after turning the iPad off and back on.

                    I noticed that about a few hrs after working on the iPad it slows down again

                  • #136805

                      Alright, we'll have to see if we can reproduce this.  When you say it slows down after a few hours, are you working in the Preset Lists screen or the Presets screen leading up to it slowing down?  And if you're working in Preset Lists for example, how many preset lists have you created?  If you're working in Presets, roughly how many user presets would you say you've created?  I'm just wondering whether there's something about your user data that could be affecting the app's performance…

                    • #136810

                        After I used the iPad for some time everything slows down in H9 control. I'll try to make a movie of using it right after powering the iPad on and one an hour or two later and get these to you. 

                      • #136844


                          After I used the iPad for some time everything slows down in H9 control. I'll try to make a movie of using it right after powering the iPad on and one an hour or two later and get these to you. 

                          A movie would be helpful if you can get to that.  I've been trying to reproduce this problem and haven't been able to get it to happen for me.  Could you tell me by the way what version of iOS 7 you're running?  Is it 7.1.1. or something earlier?  You can find out by clicking on the Settings app on your iPad, going to General, and the Software Update.  

                          I have 7.1.1 installed on my iPad, and since so few people have been seeing this problem, I'm wondering if it might be specific to a particular version of iOS?

                        • #136848

                            Will do asap. I´m also running IOS 7.1.1


                          • #136849

                              Got a video for you now.

                              Maybe you can pm me your Dropbox account and I´ll send it to you.


                            • #136850

                                Alright, I just sent an email to your yahoo account with my Dropbox account.

                              • #126270

                                I Have same issue. Its now unusable… 

                                It works fine on my iPhone 5 but on my iPad retina (3RD GEN) the app is now too slow to use in any pro situation. In fact any situation at all…

                                Is there a way of getting a previous app version at all just so that it works on my iPad?



                              • #136949

                                  The Monis:

                                  Is there a way of getting a previous app version at all just so that it works on my iPad?

                                  No, not that I'm aware of.  It should help to completely power off your iPad by long pressing the power button on the upper right hand corner of the device and power it back on.  We have been looking into the problem though and hope to have a new release out soon that addresses this.

                                • #136953

                                  I've tried all kinds of powering down. Uninstalling and re installing the app. New iOS updates. Everything I can think of but its way too slow. It seems a an intel (iPad version )power related thing as people are saying there iPad 4 are slowing down to about 5 seconds.

                                  My iPad 3rd gen is over 20 seconds from the moment you touch anything to  it going there. Then iota all jolty.

                                  So the iPad 4 has more power than mine and it seems this is slows it down a lot less.

                                  However I can not use the splendid H9 control app on my iPad anymore…

                                  I still use it on my Mac ooh Pro and I'm off to venice for a gig in a few hours and so will back up playlists on my iphone.

                                  The iPads only job is for there H9 app in studios etc.

                                  Many thanks for the reply


                                • #126641

                                    My iPad 3rd gen running iOS 7.1.2 is also very slow and jittery when using H9 control. The actual real time control of parameters still works ok, but changing screens, scrolling through algorithms, editing presets etc are all pretty laggy. I have tried it directly after restarting the iPad, with no real change in behaviour. I only got the H9 recently so I don't have any previous software to compare it to. Any idea when you might be releasing an update?

                                  • #126642

                                      We're working on it right now. Would one of you be willing to beta test a new release for us and let us know whether it fixes the issue?

                                    • #137308

                                      I can do that for sure.



                                    • #137309

                                        Great, thanks.  I just sent you an email to the email address tied to your Eventide account.

                                      • #137315

                                          I am able to test the beta too, if that's any use

                                        • #137318


                                            I am able to test the beta too, if that's any use

                                            Justin checked out the latest build and said it looks good. So, I think we're all set.

                                            It will probably be released in about a week and a half. (Apple takes a week on average to review things and we need to spend another couple of days polishing the iPhone version of the app…)

                                          • #137319

                                              Yes, sure. Cheers R

                                            • #137387

                                                Just wondering if you knew when the update might be released? 

                                              • #137389

                                                  Apple has had the new release (v1.6.1) for over a week, and it's still marked as waiting for review. Since they just released a new version of iOS and new phones, they probably have a longer than normal waiting list for apps to be reviewed.


                                                • #137407

                                                    The new release v1.6.1 that addresses the problem with H9 Control being slow on 3rd and 4th generation iPads is available now through the Apple's AppStore.  I just downloaded and installed it on an iPad.

                                                    I noticed that the release notes are out of date. It's showing the release notes for the previous release instead of the new release. Apple completely changed around their submission process for apps a few weeks ago; it could be that we entered the release notes in the wrong place or it could be that their new process still has some kinks in it…

                                                    In any case the release notes should be the following:

                                                    This version fixes some performance problems affecting the app on 3rd and 4th generation iPads. It adds a new feature for universally editing and saving all instances of a preset with the same name, and it adds the ability to connect to CoreMIDI devices through the app and send their MIDI information to a connected stomp box.

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