H9 Control never remembers the name of my H9’s

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    • #113096

      So annoying.

      I have the latest updates and all but this has been an on going problem now for probably more than a year. No matter how often I change the devices names within the app. As soon as I fire it up the next time the names are gone. And yes I’ve tried renaming and restarting right away and what not.

      Please fix this

    • #141821

      Well, I suppose we might just have to change how this works.  We're setting the name on the Bluetooth chip itself and for whatever reason that doesn't seem to work reliably for some units.  Maybe, what we'll do instead is have H9 Control associate a name with a particular serial number so that H9 Control is remembering the name rather than trying to put the name in the Bluetooth chip.  

    • #141822

      You’re speaking Alienish to me but it sounds good though 🙂 as long as the names stick.

      One suggestion to go along with the update. Make the icons a little smaller, it’s enought to see the names to know which ones you have selected. As of now, when you have two H9’s connected the column where you switch between them is being given too much real estate. Screen space is precious.

    • #141823

      I am having the same problem. Both my H9’s have a custom bluetooth name set. The custom bluetooth name is there when going into system menu, windows 10 displays the custom name when connecting, only H9 control does not show the custom bluetooth names, both iOS and Windows version of H9 Control. So it looks like a H9 Control problem.

    • #141826

      Renaming H9’s on BT doesn’t work for me now either. I forget when it stopped working, but I shuffled them around based on SN so they would be in order again in H9 Control anyway. Woud really like naming to work again.

    • #141829
      Eventide Staff

      Is the name the only thing that is not remembered ? For example, when you power it up, is it showing the same preset as when you powered down ?


    • #141835

      I am having the same issue with both of my H9 units and H9 Control, PITA when trying to determine which unit im working on based on the serial number.  Everything else is remembered fine.  

    • #141838
      Eventide Staff

      More questions

      Are you using the latest software ?

      Do your names have any unusual characters ?


    • #141839

      It always starts up with the same preset as when I turned it off.

      Yep latest software(this has actually been a problem for me in probably last 2-3 updates).

      No unusal characters. I’m trying to name mine “Left” and “Right”

    • #141840

      H9.1 is named H9-JOHN1

      H9.2 is named H9-JOHN2

      So no unusual characters here.

      Both H9’s has H9_5.2.0[1] installed (latest version)

      • #141843
        Eventide Staff
        JCR wrote:

        H9.1 is named H9-JOHN1

        H9.2 is named H9-JOHN2

        So no unusual characters here.

        Both H9's has H9_5.2.0[1] installed (latest version)


        Can you do me a favor and rename them to H91 and H92, and see if this makes a difference. We're a little mystified otherwise.

    • #141841

      That would be yes to the latest software question, and no to the strange characters.  It litterally just reverts back to the H9-***** serial number name like the first time you plug an H9 into the computer.  If you change the name it will stay for that session in H9 Control, but if you quit and relaunch Control it goes back to serial numbers.  Im on a Mac if that makes any difference. 

    • #141846

      Can you do me a favor and rename them to H91 and H92, and see if this makes a difference. We’re a little mystified otherwise.

      Changed the names to H91 & H92. Both H9’s are remembering the custom name, iOS 9.2 sees the H9’s as H91 & H92, Windows 10 sees them as H91 & H92. Only H9 Control is displaying the original names for the H9’s (H9-SerialNumber) after a app restart as if the custom name does not exist. Is there a difference in the way iOS & Windows are reading bluetooth names and how H9 Control reads bluetooth names?

      • #141849
        Eventide Staff
        JCR wrote:

        Can you do me a favor and rename them to H91 and H92, and see if this makes a difference. We're a little mystified otherwise.

        Changed the names to H91 & H92. Both H9's are remembering the custom name, iOS 9.2 sees the H9's as H91 & H92, Windows 10 sees them as H91 & H92. Only H9 Control is displaying the original names for the H9's (H9-SerialNumber) after a app restart as if the custom name does not exist. Is there a difference in the way iOS & Windows are reading bluetooth names and how H9 Control reads bluetooth names?

        There is quite likely a difference. I'll talk to our H9Control expert and see what he thinks.


    • #141858

      I’m running H9Control 2.5.1 on an iPad 1 and iPad 4, pedal names were set to: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Immediately after setting them, H9Control would show the new names, but after power cycling the boxes and/or the iPad iOS Bluetooth menu shows the correct names: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, but H9Control reverts back to the H9-SerialNumber form. I used H9Control->Pedal->General Settings->Device Name to set the name.

      I also tried two other forms H9-01, H901. Both failed.

    • #141919

      I’ve also tried names likes H9P1 through H9P5 – so it’s not related to special characters. I’ve set the name both through H9Control and on the pedal itself – so it’s not just the app or the pedal. Both the pedal and the iPad Bluetooth discovery name retain the name change, H9Control app is the one that forgets the ANY name after either an H9 power cycle. H9Control app reverts to H9-SerialNumber format for each device name. It’s really annoying once you have 5 H9’s and two iPad’s to have to set it all up again.

    • #141948

      I too have this problem.

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