H9 died: why?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 died: why?

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    • #176369
      Lenny M

      Bit of a problem: I’ve been using the H9 for a few years and love it. Powering it with a CIOKS DC7. Super-quiet pedals, all good. EXCEPT: my Eventide H9 died. There was a POP! And the screen went blank. The thing is…this is the THIRD time it has happened. I using 12V, with the green cable that came with the CIOKS. CIOKS say if it lights up, it should be ok. All other pedals, both analogue and digital are AOK. My pedalboard was built by a pro guy, who techs international touring bands. He tested it yesterday and said there was nothing wrong with the power.

      Eventide have been super, super-helpful and I now have a repaired unit, which I am reticent to plug in, in case the same thing happens.

      My question is: has anyone else had this problem? Any solution?

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    • #176399
      Eventide Staff

      If your H9 has been repaired by us there is no reason to be worried. You are using the recommended power supply for the H9. Just make sure you are using the 9V or 12V outputs.

      If you have any issues, contact support@eventide.com

    • #176478
      Lenny M

      Hi – thx for your reply – but this is the third time this has happened!

    • #176505
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, I do not have any information about your repair or support ticket. It would be best to contact support and/or respond to your support ticket with any concerns.

      I would still suggest that you not hesitate to use the pedal after it has been repaired. If you are not using the H9 after it has been repaired, how can you determine whether or not it is working? If you do find there is some sort of issue, we’ll be happy to work with you to resolve your issue.

    • #187613


      Yes I’ve got exactly the same problem here with a H9 Max Red, powered by a Cioks DC7, using the green cable.
      It died after some days of good functioning, for no reason.
      I didn’t notice a “POP”, it just don’t switch on anymore…

      M, Did you solve that problem, and what was the issue?




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