H9 doesn’t work, all lights are flickering, no reset possible

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    • #113078

      He guys,
      I just bought an H9 a few weeks ago and have used for those weeks with great joy. However, at this nights rehearsal the H9 suddenly (when powering my board on which it has functioned for some weeks without any troubles) started flickering a random number of lights and after a few seconds all lights on the pedals lit up. There was no possibility of getting the pedal to work afterwards. I restarted the board a few times but to no effect. Also, the restore and factory restore functions didn’t work out also.

      Do you have any idea what could be the problem? I am in the middle of a number of gigs, so a quick reply is much appreciated…

      Best regards

    • #141777
      Eventide Staff

        There is an internal ribbon cable that has given trouble in the past. If you or a friend are handy you could open the box and fiddle with it, in case it is loose or has a bad connection.

        But, if the unit is still in warranty, probably better that you return it for replacement.

        It could also be a faulty power supply – if you are not using the official one, give it a try.


      • #155717

          Hi. I have a similar issue; pedal works fine (sounds are coming through, it changes presets), but occasionally the lights are blinking or cut out completely. Pressing buttons or tapping on the pedal makes the problem go away, so I suspect a cable is lose. I’d rather open up the unit and solve it myself, than having it shipped back to the factory given the costs and time involved when going that route. Anyone has a picture that highlights the cables I need to look for?

        • #155720
          Eventide Staff

            Could be the power supply – make sure you are using the one that came with it.

            If you want to open it up, there is an internal ribbon cable between the two boards that can cause trouble – worth giving it a wiggle.


          • #155721

              OK. The ribben cable was indeed loose on the top PCB (the one with the switches and lights). I managed to fit it back tightly, but when I turned over the case, 2 washers and metal tubes came off. I have no idea where these should be put back. Can you help me with this? Please find attached a picture.

            • #155730

                OK. Many thanks. And the problem was solved by the way.

              • #155728
                Eventide Staff
                  mjahoger wrote:
                  OK. The ribben cable was indeed loose on the top PCB (the one with the switches and lights). I managed to fit it back tightly, but when I turned over the case, 2 washers and metal tubes came off. I have no idea where these should be put back. Can you help me with this? Please find attached a picture.

                  I spoke to the people who know how H9s are built. Apparently these are part of the fittings for the lens (red plastic part over display).

                  They said "They go (washer, then sleeve) on the bosses closest to either end of the lens."



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