H9 effects/algortyhms in AntologyXII transfer or rebuild

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins H9 effects/algortyhms in AntologyXII transfer or rebuild

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    • #186724
      Kurt J.F.

      Hello !

      I own 2 H9, a H90,a modfactor and now the AnthologyXII Plugins.

      My favorite H9 sounds are Electric12String in the Harmodulator Algorythm and Polymodelicious in the Chorus Algorythm,

      Which presest and/or plugin should I use, when using the VST plugins in my DAW?   The Pitch Factor VST for the Electric12String doesn’t

      fit, because it has different parameters like unison etc.

      I ‘m a little bit lazy and would like to use the software in the DAW for this fantastic effects, they are my darlings and it would be much faster

      to use the plugin than to connect the H9  to the DAW.

      Any help appreciated.



    • #186739
      Eventide Staff


      There are no plug-in versions of Harmodulator or the H9 Chorus algorithm, but there are many alternatives that should get you something similar.

      For the 12-string effect, there are 12 string emulation presets in Quadravox, Octavox, Physion MKII and H3000 Factory MKII.

      For the chorus effect, TriceraChorus will probably be your best bet.

      Let me know if that helps.

    • #186760
      Kurt J.F.

      Thank You, that helped !


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