H9 expression pedal recommendation

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    • #112833

        I was really excited about this expression pedal because it is so compact. But upon research it doesn't appear to work with H9. It says it works at 50kOhm, and I think that's outside the recommended value for H9. But what would happen if one were to use it? Would it damage the H9?

        Also, what are some expression pedals that H9 users use? Just curious. Thanks.

      • #126962

          Line-6 EX-1 will work and it can also be used together with an aux switch as mentioned in this document: http://www.eventide.com/~/media/Files/Audio%20Support/H9/Everyone/H9_Y_lead.ashx

          The M-Audio EX-P will also work if it's polarity switch is in the correct position.  

        • #126964

            I use the  Ernie Ball VP Jr. 25k with mine and it works very well.  

          • #126970

              Hi guys,

              Do you know of one that would also act as a footswitch ? Which one could assign to active / bypass for instance?

              A bit like a classic wah pedal…


            • #137605
              Eventide Staff

                This one should do what you're looking for I believe, but I've never actually tried it on the H9. 


                You would need to set the Aux/Exp input to BOTH and use the appropriate Y-cable.  

              • #137613


                  I ordered one of them, will post feedback!

                  Thanks a bunch

                • #137617

                  Is it possible to use an expression pedal and more than one aux switch ?

                • #137618
                  Eventide Staff


                    Is it possible to use an expression pedal and more than one aux switch ?

                    No, it is not. 

                  • #137630


                      I suppose you can use something like the Midisolutions Footswitch Controler. This essentially converts your footswitch 'messages' to midi.

                      Now, let's assume I want to use this to send tap tempo pulse (to a H9), which midi message would that be?

                      Kind Regards

                    • #137631


                        Now, let's assume I want to use this to send tap tempo pulse (to a H9), which midi message would that be?

                        You would need to use a MIDI CC message for that. You can assign any MIDI CC to the tap tempo function either on the H9 itself in system settings or in H9 Control.

                      • #137632

                          Thanks a bunch !

                        • #137633



                            I ordered one of them, will post feedback!

                            Thanks a bunch

                            Here is the feedback: not great interop I'm afraid.

                            The pedal acts like a volume pedal (goes from 0 to 100 to 0 when going from heel to toe).

                            And the footswitch well, not sure what it does… on click and it does do something, but then as many other clicks, nothing, the pedal does not react 🙁 There is no polarity switch on it, so can't tweak that. Anyway it does not seem to be a polarity issue. It is a latch one, not momentary, so that's good. Still not quite there 🙁

                            The pedal otherwise seems of good quality…


                          • #137634


                              Here is the feedback: not great interop I'm afraid.

                              The pedal acts like a volume pedal (goes from 0 to 100 to 0 when going from heel to toe).

                              And the footswitch well, not sure what it does… on click and it does do something, but then as many other clicks, nothing, the pedal does not react 

                              Sorry about that. We tested some different combinations of expression pedals with aux switches. We know that the combinations mentioned in this pdf worked:


                            • #137636

                                Hey there,

                                Do you think there is some hope with a couple of midisolutions thingy?



                                I would chain these two and feed the H9 midi input with the resulting midi flow.

                                The frees up the aux input to stick 3 footswitches, that would be sweat 🙂

                                What do you think?


                              • #127011

                                  If anyone is interested, this is the reply I received from the people at AMT.

                                  A recommended  pot for Eventide H9 is up to 25kOhm
                                  We have now 25kOhm (in early version we had 50kOhm, but you can easily make it 25kOhm )
                                  Please unscrew the bottom panel and make a photo and send us, we'll tell you what to do.
                                  Please read about expression pedal the next link (maybe it'll help)

                                  I've also read of few H9 owners successfully using this pedal even with 50kOhm pot. It seems H9 handles it just fine. I really like the compact size of this, so this is what I think will go with.

                                • #137670

                                    Hi there,

                                    I am experimenting with this at the moment, and it works a treat with the sp1 + a FS-5U.

                                    I am waiting for the continuous midi companion, but I suppose it's going to be good to.

                                    So it seems my friends, that I will have these 3 things going through midi

                                    1. the pedal with toggle in toe position
                                    2. a stand alone footswitch (going to performance switch)

                                    Leaving the aux. in free to stick the FS3X in, which will do other things.

                                    Pretty cool

                                  • #139498

                                    Hi gkellum!

                                    The link : http://www.eventide.com/~/media/Files/Audio%20Support/H9/Everyone/H9_Y_lead.ashx 

                                    doesn’t exists. Could you post it again please?

                                    Thank you!!

                                  • #139501
                                    • #139717

                                        I just picked up a Source Audio Reflex expression pedal and it works just fine with the H9.  It has 3 analog expression outputs (2 at 10 kohm and 1 at 50 kohm) as well as USB and Midi out which can also be used for expression control.

                                        I have mine set up with the 50 kohm analog out with TRS cable and it works fine.

                                        One benefit with the midi out is that you could send expression over midi to the H9 and use a separate 3-button aux switch.



                                      • #139742
                                        Given To Fly

                                          Its good to hear the Source Audio Reflex Universal Expression Controller works.

                                          I feel I should mention I bought a Source Audio Dual Expression Pedal and it DID NOT work with my Factor pedals. At both the heel and toe positions the Factor pedals never settled on a parameter value and it was difficult to get all the way to 100 and all the way to 0. The EB Jr. 25kOhm Volume Pedal has worked the best for me. At some point I would like to try the Mission Engineering expression pedals but its not high on the priority list at the moment. 

                                        • #139874

                                          The Roland EV5 should work with the H9, right?

                                          • #140141
                                              khuko wrote:

                                              The Roland EV5 should work with the H9, right?

                                              I’ve used the Roland EV-5 successfully with the H9. Thought I’d write it here – IMO Eventide could update the list of suitable expression pedals from the current, rather short list 🙂

                                              Btw, thanks Eventide for CrushStation. What a great addition to the algo palette! So versatile, so great sounding! Thumbs up, ladies and gents at Eventide!

                                            • #140143
                                              starkjo wrote:
                                              I’ve used the Roland EV-5 successfully with the H9. Thought I’d write it here – IMO Eventide could update the list of suitable expression pedals from the current, rather short list 🙂



                                              I agree. Maybe just a sticky post.

                                              But it’s not a big deal, people can just come here and ask but it won’t hurt to have this information somewhere in the manuals or FAQs.



                                              Boss FV500L works great with H9, Space, Pitchfactor and Timefactor.

                                            • #140145
                                                starkjo wrote:
                                                I've used the Roland EV-5 successfully with the H9. Thought I'd write it here – IMO Eventide could update the list of suitable expression pedals from the current, rather short list 🙂


                                                Good point.  There is an FAQ item about expression pedals.  I just updated it with all of the expression pedals that have been mentioned as working fine in this thread:


                                                If anyone knows of any others that should be added to the list, just post them to their thread and I'll add them.

                                              • #140155
                                                spaceJam wrote:

                                                starkjo wrote:
                                                I’ve used the Roland EV-5 successfully with the H9. Thought I’d write it here – IMO Eventide could update the list of suitable expression pedals from the current, rather short list 🙂


                                                I agree. Maybe just a sticky post.

                                                But it’s not a big deal, people can just come here and ask but it won’t hurt to have this information somewhere in the manuals or FAQs.

                                                Boss FV500L works great with H9, Space, Pitchfactor and Timefactor.

                                                Look out! The Boss FV500L works great with a TRS cable. If you want use both exp+switch you’ll have problems because you must use a TS cable in the exp pedal.


                                            • #140152
                                              Given To Fly

                                                Shouldn’t the “Mission Engineering Inc EP-EV Expression Pedal for Eventide Pedals” ( http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/EPEventide ) be first on the list? It would seem Mission Engineering would need Eventide’s stamp of approval for something like this. 

                                              • #140157

                                                  This post is now sticky. I'll see what I can do about getting the documentation updated. Thanks for your contributions to help make life easier for other H9 owners.

                                                  • #140184
                                                      jgoldbach wrote:
                                                      … contributions to help make life easier for other H9 owners.

                                                      Would an ‘automated’ expression pedal solution be appropriate here?  The Electro Harmonix 8 Step Program pairs nicely with my PitchFactor / H9 Max.  Set the Depth to 5 for Eventide products [All Mode LEDs it – range from 0 – 9].  Can also be configured as eight  ‘parked’ expression pedal levels in Step mode.  A Roland EV-5 is set up as the Expression Thru pedal.

                                                      I’ll report on the Source Audio Reflex configuration … as soon as I find an “In Stock” indication that doesn’t mean “Pre-Order”.

                                                  • #140159

                                                      The soul press is working for me.

                                                    • #140471

                                                      Would it be feasible to…

                                                      1. Select an active patch.

                                                      2. Cue a second patch.

                                                      3. Use the aux switch to toggle between the two.



                                                    • #140513

                                                        I’m sorry, I posted this to the midi pedal thread by mistake. This is what I use, it works great with no calibration problems.

                                                        The Mission Electronics EP-25K works great with the Factor stompboxes and the H9. It comes in the classic crybaby metal housing if you like that style and is available with dual outputs to operate two units at once if desired.


                                                        • #140540
                                                          Given To Fly
                                                            KCStratMan wrote:

                                                            I’m sorry, I posted this to the midi pedal thread by mistake. This is what I use, it works great with no calibration problems.

                                                            The Mission Electronics EP-25K works great with the Factor stompboxes and the H9. It comes in the classic crybaby metal housing if you like that style and is available with dual outputs to operate two units at once if desired.


                                                            You make 4 Eventide pedals look clean and organized! I make 4 Eventide pedals look like I tried to tie them all together with guitar cables!

                                                        • #140523

                                                            This pedal is not small (maybe 15% longer in the treadle, and 20% longer than an EV-5 overall).  But … wow.  The Ferrari of Expression Pedals.  Rock-solid, deep implementation, and some nice extra touches.  There’s far too much here to review without a dedicated thread, but I could write a short novel on the “Time Modulation” possibilities alone.

                                                            It worked quite well with an H9 out of the box (default DIP switch positions – not the “recommended for Eventide” setup).  The exponential / audio taper position seems to work best for return-to-zero accuracy.  Linear taper misses zero by a few percentage points.  But then there’s those LFOs …


                                                            I did perform a pedal calibration on the Reflex first, followed by a General Settings -> Pedal Calibration toggling in the H9.  I believe that’s going to be a given whenever swapping it out among different pedals.  I’ve only had it a few hours, so perhaps this can be compensated using stored pedal presets.

                                                            Connecting the Reflex to my PitchFactor is another story.  I’m trying out different combinations of calibration, taper, DIP switch settings, TS / TRS cables, and 10K / 50K outputs.  And I don’t seem to be alone in this:


                                                            The bottom line with the PitchFactor here is a shortened range of values (on the heel side).  I can’t seem to calibrate that out.  But this is all in the haphazard experimentation phase.  I’ll report back after I’ve run through a more logical process of elimination.

                                                            • #140847
                                                                brock wrote:

                                                                This pedal is not small (maybe 15% longer in the treadle, and 20% longer than an EV-5 overall).  But … wow.  The Ferrari of Expression Pedals.  Rock-solid, deep implementation, and some nice extra touches.  There’s far too much here to review without a dedicated thread, but I could write a short novel on the “Time Modulation” possibilities alone.

                                                                It worked quite well with an H9 out of the box (default DIP switch positions – not the “recommended for Eventide” setup).  The exponential / audio taper position seems to work best for return-to-zero accuracy.  Linear taper misses zero by a few percentage points.  But then there’s those LFOs …


                                                                I did perform a pedal calibration on the Reflex first, followed by a General Settings -> Pedal Calibration toggling in the H9.  I believe that’s going to be a given whenever swapping it out among different pedals.  I’ve only had it a few hours, so perhaps this can be compensated using stored pedal presets.

                                                                Connecting the Reflex to my PitchFactor is another story.  I’m trying out different combinations of calibration, taper, DIP switch settings, TS / TRS cables, and 10K / 50K outputs.  And I don’t seem to be alone in this:


                                                                The bottom line with the PitchFactor here is a shortened range of values (on the heel side).  I can’t seem to calibrate that out.  But this is all in the haphazard experimentation phase.  I’ll report back after I’ve run through a more logical process of elimination.


                                                                Hello there,


                                                                I got one of those pedals, and I am want to make a first, limited usage of it: I mearly want it to send CC values to drive the hotknob.

                                                                • configuration

                                                                [RCV.CTL] – Receive Continuous Control Message 

                                                                I pick

                                                                [EXP] HOTKNOB or Expression Pedal patch

                                                                then use learn, move my pedal: great it picks CC1.

                                                                • test drive

                                                                what the pedal then is changing is the tempo associated with delays, not the hotknob. 


                                                                What am I missing?


                                                                Kind Regards

                                                              • #140854

                                                                  It sounds like you’re on-track for controlling the HotKnob from the Reflex over MIDI, rdnzl .  But I’m not sure what you’re expecting from binding to the HotKnob.  The HotKnob or expression pedal control will be assigned to one (or many) of the parameters in the current algorithm.  They will be stored as part of the loaded preset.  So if that preset has – say, Delay A and/or Delay B – controlled by expression, then your CC #1 message will “change the tempo associated with the delays” (in Tempo On mode).  If expression controlled Feedback, then CC #1 to HotKnob / Expression will sweep the Feedback values.

                                                                  What particular preset & algorithm are you trying to control in this example?  The easiest way to see what’s mapped into preset expression is to call up that preset in the H9 Control app.  What bothers me here is that you don’t see Delay times as a common ‘target’ for expression.  You could look under H9 Control -> Pedal ->  MIDI Settings to see if CC #1 is currently assigned to anything else (such as Set Parameter 3, or Set Parameter 4).  That might be contributing to what’s happening here.

                                                                  I don’t program much through the H9 itself anymore, but there would be an equivalent process in the system settings of the physical pedal.  The other option is to use one of the Reflex expression outputs instead of MIDI (I use both).  You could test to see if you had the same results with changing delay times on that same preset.  It’s actually more of a direct route, with most of the same features as MIDI output.  Expression input -> HotKnob / Expression – or – CC #1 over MIDI; converted to HotKnob / Expression.




                                                                • #140858
                                                                    brock wrote:

                                                                    It sounds like you’re on-track for controlling the HotKnob from the Reflex over MIDI, rdnzl .  But I’m not sure what you’re expecting from binding to the HotKnob.  The HotKnob or expression pedal control will be assigned to one (or many) of the parameters in the current algorithm.  They will be stored as part of the loaded preset.  So if that preset has – say, Delay A and/or Delay B – controlled by expression, then your CC #1 message will “change the tempo associated with the delays” (in Tempo On mode).  If expression controlled Feedback, then CC #1 to HotKnob / Expression will sweep the Feedback values.

                                                                    What particular preset & algorithm are you trying to control in this example?  The easiest way to see what’s mapped into preset expression is to call up that preset in the H9 Control app.  What bothers me here is that you don’t see Delay times as a common ‘target’ for expression.  You could look under H9 Control -> Pedal ->  MIDI Settings to see if CC #1 is currently assigned to anything else (such as Set Parameter 3, or Set Parameter 4).  That might be contributing to what’s happening here.

                                                                    I don’t program much through the H9 itself anymore, but there would be an equivalent process in the system settings of the physical pedal.  The other option is to use one of the Reflex expression outputs instead of MIDI (I use both).  You could test to see if you had the same results with changing delay times on that same preset.  It’s actually more of a direct route, with most of the same features as MIDI output.  Expression input -> HotKnob / Expression – or – CC #1 over MIDI; converted to HotKnob / Expression.





                                                                    Hey Brock,


                                                                    I tried your suggestion, and I hope that will help me express the issue more clearly:

                                                                    Indeed, when I use one of the 3 “classic” output, I have the desired effect: which is driving the hotknob (when the hotknob light is red, the lights around the knob gradually light up clockwise, or shut off anticlockwise. That’s what I cannot reproduce relying on midi only… As if I was selecting the wrong destination for my CC…

                                                                    I hope that helps. If not, I will take pictures 😉


                                                                • #140530

                                                                    First of all, my typo above regarding use of the audio / logarithmic  taper (still recommended for use with Eventide pedals).

                                                                    Secondly:  Connection of Reflex pedal to the both PitchFactor and the H9 is working just fine at default DIP switch settings.  Chalk it up to “newbie” user error, and a somewhat cryptic interface reflected in the Reflex three-digit display.  I’ve heard that there’s a Windows app for the Reflex on the horizon, and that should help to clarify current settings.  To sum up:

                                                                    • H9 / PitchFactor can use default DIP switch settings.
                                                                    • All three Reflex outputs (even 50K ohms) work with Eventide pedals.
                                                                    • Each output (+ 3 MIDI Channels and Sensor Out) are configured independently.
                                                                    • Audio / logarithmic – not linear – taper works best with Eventide pedals.
                                                                    • The LFO expression – or-  MIDI outputs need only be adjusted to taste.
                                                                    • Remember to SAVE a preset after any kind of adjustment to any of the configurations.
                                                                    • And always fasten your seatbelt before driving this combination.

                                                                  • #140861

                                                                      I think that I understand now (correct me if I don’t).  The HotKnob LED ring only updates if you’re directly controlling the expression parameters using the expression pedal input jack on the H9, or with the HotKnob itself, or while dragging the control strip in the H9 Control application.  When you’re controlling expression ‘once removed’ over MIDI, the LED ring doesn’t reflect the current incoming CC value as a HotKnob position.  But the main H9 display will update its numeric values.

                                                                      If you’re controlling a single parameter using MIDI CC to expression, you’ll see that parameter value update in the main display.  If you’ve mapped multiple expression parameters, then the main H9 display will show an ‘expression pedal position’ from 0-100 while you send it a MIDI CC value (which ranges 0-127).  I hope that all makes sense to you.

                                                                      • #140862
                                                                          brock wrote:

                                                                          I think that I understand now (correct me if I don’t).  The HotKnob LED ring only updates if you’re directly controlling the expression parameters using the expression pedal input jack on the H9, or with the HotKnob itself, or while dragging the control strip in the H9 Control application.  When you’re controlling expression ‘once removed’ over MIDI, the LED ring doesn’t reflect the current incoming CC value as a HotKnob position.  But the main H9 display will update its numeric values.

                                                                          If you’re controlling a single parameter using MIDI CC to expression, you’ll see that parameter value update in the main display.  If you’ve mapped multiple expression parameters, then the main H9 display will show an ‘expression pedal position’ from 0-100 while you send it a MIDI CC value (which ranges 0-127).  I hope that all makes sense to you.


                                                                          It does, thanks for stellar feedback !

                                                                      • #140951

                                                                          I’ve been jonesing for a Reflex since they came out. Good to see folks are having success with them. I’m hoping to have one by year’s end.

                                                                        • #140974


                                                                            I’m using an AMT expression pedal with my two H9s.

                                                                            I didn’t even realise there was an issue to be honest. It works fine for me, as far as I’m aware..

                                                                            I build a Y splitter cable to run from the one expression pedal to both H9s.

                                                                            My only complaint about the AMT is that it’s nowhere near as precise and smooth as some of the higher end ones, and it has some ‘creep’ when I rock it back to full heel (as in it moves a little, so if I want to go to 0 mix, it will sometimes creep forward to 5-10 (out of 100) and give me a little delay etc).

                                                                            This hasn’t been a huge issue so far, and I could investigate the pedal itself, tighten things up I guess.

                                                                            All in all, it’s super compact and does the job perfectly for me!

                                                                            (That tap tempo box is just a placeholder until my fuzz arrives. Ignore it)

                                                                          • #141879

                                                                              Hi, I use a morley mini expression pedal with my h9 max. In the h9 parameters I have allocated the expression pedal to the input volume (to replace a volume pedal I was using in front of the h9 before). It works well, except that it does not “remember” the value of the expression pedal (volume level) when I change preset. Then the volume is always set to the maximum value and I have to move a bit the expression pedal so that the h9 gets the the value from the expression pedal. It is a big issue for me, with unwanted peaks of volumes when changing presets.
                                                                              I tried other configurations (expression pedal allocated to other parameters) and every time it behaves the same: the value of the parameter is reinitialised to the default value of the preset, it is not updated with the value corresponding to the position of the expression pedal.
                                                                              Just as if the position of the expression pedal was not read when the preset is changed.

                                                                              Did you notice the same for you ?

                                                                              Just one precision even if I see no reason why it could be correlated to the issue: I use midi to change the presets from a midi controller (wo changing the parameter allocated to the expression pedal of course)

                                                                              Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

                                                                              • #141880
                                                                                Eventide Staff
                                                                                  laurent-fr31 wrote:
                                                                                  it does not "remember" the value of the expression pedal (volume level) when I change preset. Then the volume is always set to the maximum value /quote]

                                                                                  This how it was designed to work, rightly or wrongly.

                                                                                  We thought that it should start out in a predictable state (full on), and not be dependent on the current state of the expression pedal, which might just be how it was left after the last song.

                                                                                  Otherwise we would get many complaints that we had lost the signal ….




                                                                              • #141881

                                                                                  Ok thanks a lot for the quick reply.
                                                                                  Then I understand that in my case clearly the expression pedal cannot be used as a volume pedal, as I sometime change preset during a song (for instance for the solo section) and then I experience non acceptable volume peaks… Too bad.

                                                                                  Is there a chance that this behaviour (ability to read the value of the expression pedal when activating the preset) can be made parametrable in the future ?

                                                                                • #143238
                                                                                  Eventide Staff

                                                                                    Mission Engineering has released an expression pedal specifically designed to work with the H9. The SP-H9 has a potentiometer wired as a rheostat and an integrated momentary switch connected to the ring. This allows the customer to connect the expression pedal to the H9 with a single TRS cable and get both expression pedal and switch functionality in the one unit. There is also a parallel switch input so customers can connect an external TS switch just using a regular 1/4” instrument cable. http://missionengineering.com/?product=sp-h9-eventide

                                                                                    • #143305
                                                                                        nsanchez wrote:

                                                                                        Mission Engineering has released an expression pedal specifically designed to work with the H9. The SP-H9 has a potentiometer wired as a rheostat and an integrated momentary switch connected to the ring. This allows the customer to connect the expression pedal to the H9 with a single TRS cable and get both expression pedal and switch functionality in the one unit. There is also a parallel switch input so customers can connect an external TS switch just using a regular 1/4” instrument cable. http://missionengineering.com/?product=sp-h9-eventide

                                                                                        If I were starting over from scratch, I’d give this one some serious consideration.  I wonder was that “extra” hole is on the left side.  Prototype shown, or future expansion?  Aesthetics?  It’s difficult  to tell at a glance.

                                                                                    • #152119

                                                                                        Hello everybody!

                                                                                        Did someone tryed the BOSS EV-30 Dual Expression pedal?

                                                                                        I’d like to control 2 different effects pedals with the same expression pedal, and it should have a 10k Ohm pot value.

                                                                                        Thanks a lot!!!!


                                                                                      • #174550


                                                                                          Sur mon H9 max j’utilise une pédale d’expression Ernie Ball Vp 25k et un electro harmonix triple foot pour pouvoir changer les bank sans toucher aux Switch du H9.

                                                                                          J’ai acheté aussi un câble Y pour connecter la pédale d’expression et le triple foot en même temps.

                                                                                          Lorsque je configure dans l’appli H9 control (version Android) l’attribution des boutons , ça ne fonctionne pas bien (pourtant j’ai bien appliqué la fonction both) .

                                                                                          En fait je ne parviens pas à attribuer les UP et down dans le triple footswitch lorsque la pédale d’expression est connectée en même temps (sinon j’y parviens si je ne branche pas la pédale d’expression) .

                                                                                          Je peux soit attribuer UP ou soit Down et je suis obligé de me servir des boutons du H9 pour pouvoir monter ou descendre..

                                                                                          Quel réglage faut il faire dans H9 control pour pouvoir utiliser le footswitch et la pédale d’expression indépendamment des boutons du H9 ?

                                                                                          Merci pour votre aide !


                                                                                        • #174551

                                                                                            (désolé petite erreur de saisie sur la fin) 😉

                                                                                            * Quel réglage faut-il faire dans H9 control pour pouvoir utiliser le footswitch et la pédale d’expression sans toucher les boutons du H9 ?


                                                                                            Merci pour votre aide !



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